Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6

Back at work tonight, sigh. I guess I really shouldn't complain; I make decent money for a pretty easy job. Especially working at night - most nights it's so slow that I have plenty of time to study or watch a movie or spend way too much time on Reddit :-) I really like that I work alone. I can do my own thing and not have to worry about entertaining somebody all night. The few times I've had to train a new person or something was seriously annoying.

Stayed up for a while with TK last night, mostly playing Nuketown Zombies on Black Ops 2. He went to bed, and I stayed up until after TH went to work then slept til 8:00. Took a shower, then came to work. Yay. TK starts back to school tomorrow, which neither one of us are excited about. Every day I print out a cute or  funny picture and slip it in the front window of his school binder, so when he pulls it out at school he sees it. I started at the beginning of the school year and I hope I can make it til the end. I'm running out of ideas, lol. I have some markers in my backpack and sometimes I'll just draw something stupid if I can't find anything good. He thinks it's pretty cool :-)

Didn't go to the house today. The construction dudes wouldn't have been there, so everything should look the same as it did yesterday. Kitties got fed extra yesterday, so other than being cold and pissed off they'll be ok. We'll probably go by there after I pick up TK from school. See what else they have done by then! They're talking about rain, though, between Monday night and Wednesday morning. I know we need the rain, but I don't want it to slow down the house! Is it bad if I hope for rain only on Sundays for the next few months? So no house pics but I give you the back of my car! Yeah, it's dirty. It stays dirty :-/

Goomba: Do not piss me off. Kitty cat: Kitty is mad because you suck. TH says my car is as bipolar as I am :-P

Oh I forgot - I found out yesterday that I got a spot in the bullshit Psychology class that I had waitlisted. I went ahead and registered for it so I don't lose it, but now I have to decide if I'm going to take that or the Philosophy class. The Philosophy class counts toward my degree and we already have the book for it, but it sounds like it's going to be a colossal pain in the ass (I think I wrote about it a few days ago). I don't need another Psychology class. I've already taken like 3 different ones. But it would be an easy way to get 3 more credit hours, for the financial aid. The financial aid that we need to be able to buy some of the things that we're going to need when we move into our house.

See, when we had the fire, we didn't have homeowner's insurance. We had it at one point, but we missed a payment and they cancelled it. Then when we tried to get it reinstated, they came out and did an inspection and said that we would have to replace the roof before they would insure us again. It was an older house, and there were a few messed up shingles, but we had never had a leak. Then before we were able to afford to replace the roof, we had the fire. So, fuck you Allstate. Just Fuck. You.

Like I said before, the fire started in TK's bedroom, at the back of the house. It burned his room (and melted everything in there), the hall, and part of our bedroom, which was right next door. They got to it quick enough and were able to contain it enough that the house itself was still standing, there was just a big burned spot on the back. Oh, and ain't this the shit? After all of that, it rained a few times and the roof still didn't leak. So yeah, kiss my ass Allstate. The interior was destroyed, though. Almost everything was either melted or smoke/water damaged. We were able to salvage a few little things, mostly stuff from the front bedroom and a few things from the kitchen drawers. So basically everything needs to be replaced. We found a city program where we could get a loan to rebuild the house, but it would only cover construction costs. So, we had been saving financial aid money, as much as we could, to be able to buy the stuff we need when we move back in.

To qualify for the loan program, you have to own your home outright. Our house belonged to TH's parents, they bought it and moved in when he was 6. So he had basically lived there his whole life. He moved out a few times, but moved back in when his mom got sick, then later when his dad did. When they both passed, they left the house to him, with the condition that if he ever sold it, he would split the money with his brother and 3 sisters. He was the youngest, everyone else was married with kids already, so it just made sense to do it that way. When the title was written, they wrote it as a life estate in his name, with everyone else's name also on there. So earlier this year we got his siblings to sign the title over to him so we could get the loan to rebuild the house, and kept the unwritten agreement that if we ever sell it we'll still split the money.

So after making sure we have gone through everything to qualify for this loan program, the title company runs a check on the title to see if there are any claims on it. It comes back that one of his sisters filed for bankruptcy a few years ago, and didn't list her share of the house as an asset. This leads to her bankruptcy case being reopened, the court threatening to seize the house and sell it to pay her shit off, and her whining like a little bitch that she "just doesn't have the money to do anything about it." Basically, she didn't give 2 shits if they sold the house because it wasn't going to hurt her any. There aren't even words for the horrible things that I want to happen to this woman >:-(

Long long long story (a little bit) shorter, we ended up paying the $5,000 to settle her bankruptcy case and keep the house, and keep her sorry ass out of jail for bankruptcy fraud. Plus the $1000 or so for our lawyer to deal with their shit. Oh, and because they stretched the whole process out past October 1st and property taxes came due, we had to pay that instead of waiting til the end of January. Because we couldn't owe anything on the house, to get the loan. Remember that financial aid money we had been saving? Yeah, there it went. It also led to a 6 month delay, waiting for the bankruptcy court to figure its shit out and process everything and close the case out. We could have had the house finished and been fucking home already if it hadn't been for her shit. I can only hope that Karma knocks her down and teabags her ass one day, and I am there to see it.

My rings are looser. I know they usually feel looser when it's cold outside, but it seems worse tonight. Hmmm.

Song: alt-J - Breezeblocks. On my way to work on Sunday nights, the radio station I listen to has a show that plays new or upcoming music. I've heard this song the last few weeks and finally went looking for it to download it. Nice video, too. Kinda creepy. Also, TIL what a breeze block is. We call them cinder blocks here.

Best thing: Got some McDonald's chicken nuggets on the way to work and they had Buffalo Sauce! They don't always.

Worst thing: Didn't play with TK today.


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