Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23

Ok you know what? I give up. I'm going to quit even pretending that it's gonna be "maybe tomorrow." Shit, maybe I just won't even mention it again until one day I'm like, oh yeah they finally poured the slab today. Yeefuckinghaw. TH went to get his oil changed this morning and stopped by on his way home to check it out. They had put the little plastic spacer things under the steel grid, to hold it up enough that the concrete will flow underneath it. We kept kinda waiting all day to hear something from the foreman, but never did. He went by again when he picked up TK from school, and the plumbers had been back and installed the water and sewer mains in the yard, where it connects the street to the house. They didn't cover them up though, so that makes us wonder if now they have to wait for an inspection on those too. It doesn't really make sense, because the last email we got from the foreman talked about waiting until after the slab was poured to install the yard lines. Makes me wonder if this new plumbing inspector who was so picky on the plumbing rough wanted it all installed before he would sign off on it for the pour. Who fucking knows - I just want to see some progress, dammit!!

So this morning my boss was 35 minutes late, and it was foggy as shit so getting home was interesting, to say the least. It's crazy how much difference 30 minutes makes in the amount of traffic there is :-/ He gave me $10 though, so it's cool. I went home and played video games!!!! It was freaking awesome, lol. I finished a few more levels of the Halo 4 Legendary campaign - I think I only have 3 left now. I'll probably do those tomorrow. You know, since we won't be at the house WATCHING THEM POUR FUCKING CONCRETE!! Anyway...I played one game of Team Slayer on Halo 4, and I actually did really well! +6 k/d, thank you very much :-) Played a few games of Team Deathmatch on Black Ops 2, then went to bed around 1:00. Then got up and came to work, hooray lol. I need to try to go to bed earlier tomorrow though, so I can get up and play with TK a little bit before I have to come to work. I didn't tonight :-/

Tomorrow they are going out of town and leaving the dogs with us. They'll be back sometime Sunday. It's gonna be a long-ass weekend, sigh. I am just not a dog person, to put it mildly. Ok, I kinda fucking hate dogs. These two aren't bad, as far as dogs go - they're just annoying. They're little Rat Terriers, and the girl is old and cranky (and tiny! She looks like a puppy) and the boy is younger and big and stupid. What sucks is that TH, who actually likes the little fuckers, will be at work Friday afternoon and all day Saturday and Sunday so I'm stuck dealing with them. They're gonna want to be right up my ass and sit on us and sleep with us and...ugh. I want my kitties back :-(

I need to do more schoolwork but I just don't fucking want to. Chapters 1 and 2 for Economics are due the 27th and I've already finished them. Chapters 3 and 4 are due like a week later, I think? And then the next week is the deadline for the first test. At least it's online though, so no testing center, yay!! The 12 week session starts the 14th, so then I'll have 2 more classes to mess with. Eh.

I was sitting here at work last night and I happened to look out the window, and there were 2 coyotes standing in the flowerbed right in front of the window. I went over and stuck my head out the door and went "Hi!!" and they went "EEEEEK!" and took off, lol. TH keeps telling me I'm probably gonna get nommed by a coyote one day. They stand over on this little retaining wall across the driveway and watch me sometimes. I like to think that they're beginning to accept me as one of their own :-) I took this a few days ago. They get really upset when an airplane flies over kinda low. It's a little hard to hear, but so cute!

What else? Oh, house pictures, from this morning and the new plumbing work. TH says we're going to have more pictures of a house being built than anyone ever. Of all time :-)

From the front. They added some corner braces for strength and the little spacers to hold up the rebar so that it is suspended in the concrete and not just buried by it. I...kinda want to keep one :-)

Water main, running from the street hookup to the house.

Sewer main, from the house to the street.

Song: David Banner - Get Like Me. I like the video :-)

Best thing: Quiet video game time this morning!

Worst thing: No house update.

Suck it, NonCatGerbils!!

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