Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5

Stayed up all night last night with TK, playing Black Ops 2 Team Deathmatch and a little bit of campaign. Went to bed after TH left for work, and slept til about 4:00. I kinda wish I could do that every weekend, because it seems like I would feel better if I could keep the same sleep during the day/awake at night schedule on my days off. Kinda hard to with TK though - I always feel guilty on the days I don't really have time to mess with him.

Went to Gamestop, and killed the last of the giftcard that TK got for Christmas on the Black Ops 2 season pass. Nuketown Zombies FTW! I also had a coupon for 20% off of any preowned game that they sent me for my birthday, so with that and the regular 10% member discount we ended up paying like $14 for Modern Warfare 3. Not too bad. Stopped at the liquor store and they had the stuff that TH likes on sale. Got a bottle of that and a bottle of cheap vodka. I really need to try to just drink a little bit when I get home in the mornings, just enough to help me fall asleep. I just wish TH's schedule hadn't changed. It was so much easier when he worked mornings, and I had to come home and take TK to school but TH could pick him up. On those days I could hang out a little (alone, and quiet!), play some video games, and go to sleep when I was tired. Now TH takes him to school but I have to come home and try to go to sleep early enough to get up and go pick him up. It's just hard to get enough sleep that way :-/

The construction guys had already left when we got to the house. They had done a lot since yesterday! Almost all of the forms are up, for pouring the slab, and the trenches for the support beams under the slab have been dug. Of course, TK had to hop down in there and go "Check it out, battle trenches! Pew pew pew!" Lol he's such a dork :-P Just looking at it all laid out, it looks so tiny! Looks too small to be a real house. It's narrower than the old house, but deeper. Maybe that's what's throwing me off, I dunno.
The kitties were so happy to see us. They were out of food so they were hungry, too. We put extra food out in case TH doesn't go by there after work tomorrow.

From the street. Looking more like a real construction site now!

From the back. Little better view of the whole slab forming setup (and battle trenches).

When we got home TK and I played a few rounds of Nuketown Zombies on Black Ops 2. It's a pretty cool map! It's basically Nuketown from Black Ops, but after the bomb went off and I guess everyone around turned into zombies? Not sure where they were supposed to have come from. Some of them are wearing the HazMat suits and gas masks, though. Perks are different - instead of the perk machines being in the same place at the start of every game, they randomly drop in, at different times and in different places. Also there are no barriers to rebuild, which is weird because there are several places that look like you should be able to rebuild them. So, the only way to earn $$ is by killing zombies. It seems to be fairly easy to survive on though, we made it to round 12 (I think?) the first time we played. Then we played a few games on Special Ops on MW3. I like! It's like Halo firefight, but with humans. We don't have MW2 yet, but I wasn't 100% sure if has a Spec Ops mode or not. So we went ahead and bought MW3 because we were sure it did.

Song of the day: Halo 4 - Glad You Came. It's a parody of The Wanted - Glad You Came, done by The Warp Zone. Freaking hilarious. 

Best thing: New video game, yay!!

Worst thing: My shoes got super muddy walking through the yard at the house. Stepped in mud up to my ankle >:-(

That's about it.

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