Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17

Fucking Plumbers!!! OMG I am so fucking pissed! So, they will not be pouring the slab tomorrow, because the fucking plumbers messed up the fucking sewer, and it failed the fucking inspection. They were supposed to have the inspection completed yesterday, and then do the water lines and electrical ground yesterday afternoon. Then fill it all in, and call for the slab engineer today. But, NOPE!!! Apparently they're supposed to use sand or something to bed the plumbing, but they used some kind of caliche shit. And the inspector failed it because any rocks in the bedding have to be less than 1/2", and there were some that were bigger. Fucking dipshit idiots. TH went by there earlier today to check out what was going on, and he ran into the lady from the city that we've been working with. She told him about it, and said that the foreman is pissed. I'm just hoping that they got in there this afternoon and fixed it. Doubt it, though - they would need to dig it all out, bring in new dirt, and refill it. And then call for a new inspection and wait for the results of that before they can even get to the water and electrical stuff. So, they have basically pushed it back until like next Thursday, at least. Fucking grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

So anyway...I got home this morning, and played a little Black Ops campaign before everybody got up. TH took TK to school and brought back Whataburger for breakfast. Nom nom nom bacon cheeseburger :-) Stayed up and hung out with him for a little bit, and didn't get to bed til like 1:00 again. Sigh. Is ok though, TH and I don't really get much of a chance to talk. Still kinda miss staying up and playing video games in the mornings, and everybody being gone, though. Eh. Got up about 8:15. Stopped at the Speedy Stop on the way here and bought a couple of 4 Lokos for tomorrow :-P I found out that they are going out of town this weekend, so yay, movie night!!

We got to talking about house insurance this morning, and he decided to go get a quote from the place where we have our car insurance. He tried to do it online, but it kinda had a hissy fit trying to figure out how to insure a house that hadn't been built yet, lol. The only office they have in our city is way up north, so he went to check it out. Turns out they couldn't give him a quote until the house is built, either. They kept trying to look at the old house and the new house or something and it was just a big clusterfuck. So he went by another place down here close to the house, and they came up with about $650 for a whole year!! We were prepared for it to be as much as $1500 or something, so that was freaking awesome to hear!! Now we just need to decide if we want to move the car insurance there too. The house insurance would be a little less if we bundled them, but I think the car insurance would be a little more. Not much though, so it might be worth it anyway to have a place close to the house. TH liked the guy, too - said he was another "big old country boy" lol.

We did do something awesome, too! For Christmas, they gave each of us a $100 Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift card. We had been looking on their site, thinking that we could use them to get some of the stuff we need when we move back home. Yeah, no. Have you ever been to BBB? Shit's expensive as fuck. We probably could have gotten a few things, but then I would have hated myself for paying 4x what it would cost at Walmart or Target. Yeah, you laugh - I'm not too good for Walmart. I know my place, lol. So I had read somewhere online that BBB sells Visa/Mastercard gift cards, and somebody said they had actually used a BBB gift card to buy a Visa giftcard. So I called a few of them this morning to find out. Two of them said no, one said they don't even carry Visa giftcards, and the last one the guy that answered the phone wasn't sure if they did or not. He put me on hold and went to check, and they have Mastercard gift cards. I asked about using the BBB gift card to buy one, and he didn't know but he transferred me to a manager. The manager said you can't do that, but that if we would bring them in today, he would go ahead and cash them out if we used them to buy the Mastercard gift cards! So now we have $200 to spend on gas and groceries and cat food and...whatever. I know he wasn't really supposed to do it, and there was really no reason for him to do it except that he was being freaking awesome. I am definitely writing a nice email to the store manager! No specifics though - don't wanna accidentally get him in trouble :-/

So, the guy at work took the salsa home last night, and a few hours later I get this email from him: "ROFL, the roommates tried the salsa and almost passed out....LOL." I says: "Nyahahahahaha. We don't call it 'Doom' for nothing :-D" Haha, trololololol. I'm thinking he won't be following the recipe exactly. TH ate some earlier today, and said it is indeed much hotter than it usually is. It made him cry, lol. TK, who usually eats it the first few days, says he's not even gonna try it. I had a small container of tomatoes left over so I might make a small batch of Salsa of (slightly less) Doom for him. I think I wanna get some Velveeta and make Queso of Doom with it, too. The cheese will tone it down a lot but it should still be plenty Doomy. We bought some baby carrots the other day, I need to make some more hummus. Oooh - the falafel delivery place we used to work for made a turbo hummus, with peppers mixed in. That would be awesome...

TK, the little shit, finished the Halo 4 solo Legendary campaign today >:-( I read on the Waypoint forums a while back that there's a glitch where if you've done the campaign on Legendary co-op, you can go in on solo and start from the last rally point on each mission and when you finish it will count as completed solo Legendary. It works, lol. We had done it on co-op a while back, but really hadn't had a chance to do much solo. I think i'm through the 3rd or 4th mission, I forget. I'll go back and do it legit at some point. Yeah, I thought Reach's Legendary campaign was hard - Halo 4 is just fucking brutal. Fucking chickenshit Knights are almost impossible to kill. It doesn't help that they teleport away after you've gotten a few shots on them, and if you don't take out the Watchers quick enough, the little bastards can bring the Knights back >:-( I haven't played Halo in a long time. I'm not sure why, exactly. I used to play Reach all the time, almost exclusively Swat. When I was playing for a little while almost every day, I could freaking own. When I don't play much though, I guess I get out of practice? The last few times I've played any kind of Halo I've gotten roflstomped :-/

What else...oh, a resident came through last night in his new car. A brand new red Bentley Continental GT. Fucking droooool. $212,000. Never in my life would I be able to afford that. I'm still disappointed that my dream car was discontinued before I could ever get one: a 1996-1999 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, Ram Air WS6. Black, of course. Maybe I can find one someday and restore it, or something. Sigh....


When we bought TH's car last March, we looked at the VW Beetles, but they've changed them. I had a 2005? I think it was, while we were delivering newspapers, and I freaking loved that little car. It was orange, lol. It was a TDI - a diesel. For a while we actually used biodiesel in it. It sounded so awesome, like a little purrrrrrrrr kinda noise :-)

Yeah, crappy picture. All we had back then were potato camera phones :-P

You've probably already figured out that there's no house picture today, huh? ;-)
You've probably also figured out that I'm a fan of the word "fuck". Fuck yeah, lol.

Song: Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff. Shout out to the plumbers, lol. Shithead Mcfucknuggets >:-(

Best thing: Trading BBB giftcards for Mastercard giftcards!

Worst thing: Fucking plumbers.


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