Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29

Well, I think it's safe to say that TK is over whatever it was that he had. Woke him up this morning and he still acted like he felt pretty bad, but he didn't have a fever or anything. Kept him home today anyway just to be sure. By the time I left for work tonight he was fine. He drank a few Gatorades and finally ate something - he really hadn't eaten much besides some crackers in like 2 days. So yay!! And hopefully that's the last sick we'll have to deal with for a while!

I stopped by the house on my way home this morning but it was dark so I didn't take any pictures. It pretty much looked the same as when TH was there last night, just no concrete guys or machines, lol. I did walk up and go tap tap on the front porch. Felt like a front porch to me :-) The foreman and the head framing guy were supposed to be there around 1:00 today so TH left for work early and went by to meet them. They had removed the forms and were using chalk to draw out where the walls are supposed to go. They brought back the first little bobcat and the guy that did the demo was there using it to fill in around the bottom of the slab with dirt.They also had a trailer with a load of lumber and their "doghouse" - the little toolshed that will stay there until they're finished. He went back by on his way home and they had dropped the lumber in the back yard and had a trailer pulled up in the front yard. He said the lumber was hard to see from the street, so hopefully nobody will jack any of it :-/

Tomorrow they're supposed to start framing! The schedule calls for all of the walls and the roof trusses to be up by Thursday, and then start the cornice on Friday. As far as we can tell, the cornice has something to do with the roofline. Or something. We'll find out Friday, lol.  There's only one day in the 10 day forecast that has like a 30% chance of rain, so it looks like there shouldn't be any weather delays for now. This is gonna be so awesome - it will look different every time we go over there now! 

I went home and played a little Black Ops 2 with TK before I went to bed. Once again, I stayed up too late. Sigh. The first new map pack, Revolution, came out today! We played a round of Team Deathmatch on all of the new maps, and I actually like them all! The only one that kinda bugged me was Hydro, the one at a hydroelectric plant. It seems a little small. It's cool though because you can jump down in the water, I guess on top of the spillway, and occasionally an alarm will go off and they open it so it fills with water. If you're standing there, you die. We were kinda hoping that it would actually show you getting washed over the edge, but you just die and respawn. Oh well. Also on Downhill, the ski resort/snow map, there is a steady stream of ski lift gondolas that you can get splattered by. Or make an enemy back up into so they get splattered, lol. We played a few rounds on the new Zombie map Die Rise. It is...weird. There are a few parts that if you jump down into, everything is upside down. And, there are a few multiplayer guns that aren't in the other zombie maps! Yay, PDW-57 (I like to call it the Pow 57)!! We did a quick local 2 player game of Turned, the new Zombie gametype, just to see what it's like. I think I'm going to like it! It's at least something different. We were going to play it in matchmaking but it was taking forever to find a game and we didn't wanna wait.

Oh yeah. The only thing I don't like about the new map pack? This fucking commercial:

Ya'll do realize that it's not just guys who play video games, right? Assholes >:-(

The new episode of Spartan Ops for Halo 4 came out Monday, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Maybe...Friday, I guess? Don't wanna play it with out TK :-)

Anyway...Oh yeah so I totally derped last night. A few days ago I ordered my Psychology textbook from Amazon, and the next day I got an email that they cancelled the order because it was out of stock. I ordered it again last night, from a different seller, but I forgot to choose the address where we are staying so it shipped today to our house. The house that isn't there right now, lol. Hopefully once the tracking number goes live I can get ahold of them and redirect it, or something. At least this time it wasn't a 2 day shipping thing so maybe I can catch it before it goes too far. Yeah, I'm special. Sigh.

House pictures! All new and shiny and slabby, lol.

From the front. So purty :-)

From the back. Truck has the first load of lumber and the "doghouse".

Song: The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army. Love me some White Stripes. I had forgotten about this song until I heard it earlier today!

Best thing: No more sick Butthead!!

Worst thing: Pulled a dumbass with my textbook :-/

Yep yep yep.

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