Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18

It is Friday night, and I am not at work, yay!!! I am, however, more than a little drunk and really tired, so it will be a very short one tonight. But at least I'm writing something, right? I only slept for like 3 hours today before I had to get up and go get TK. I played a little bit of Black Ops 2 before I went to bed. Fun :-)

TH went to see the kitties on his way to work, and TK and I went to the store and then picked up some take and bake pizzas. Movie night was Dredd, a remake of Judge Dredd (duh), and it was actually more entertaining than I thought it would be. TK got his allowance today and bought the Resurrection map pack for Black Ops. It's the one that has the Moon zombies map. We played a few rounds on there before I had to stop and cook the pizzas. Got an email from the foreman - they redid the plumbing and it passed, so if his new schedule works right they're looking at a pour next Wednesday. That would be fucking awesome!

Ok so normally I would stay up and play with TK but I am too freaking tired tonight. We'll play tomorrow, for sure :-)

Song: Middle Class Rut - New Low. I love the song, but I've never actually seen the video and I'm just too fucking tired to watch it right now. So click at your own risk, lol.

Best thing: They think they can pour Wednesday!

Worst thing: Headache all day :-/

I blame any mistakes on the amount of alcohol I have consumed tonight...

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