Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 28

Ok. Ready? Are you sitting down? Holding on to your britches? Because...


They actually did it! Of course, they were supposed to start at 10:00 and didn't get started until almost 11:30, but still. So I went home and took a quick nap, then we went over to the house. The concrete guys were there when we got there, and I guess they filled in the ditches this morning because the plumbers showed up around 10:30 and seemed surprised that it had been done. Needless to say I am not impressed with the plumbers :-/ I checked on the kitties, and they were so happy to see me. Jim Bob especially was all meowy and purry. It was so cute :-)

It took 5 full trucks and a partial. Each truck is 10 yards, so 50-something yards. We stayed until about 1:30, but TH had to get to work so we only got to see 4 of the trucks. I think it was officially one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time! While we were there they started smoothing it out, which I wasn't expecting, so that was neat to see. Kinda glad we decided not to stick around for the last truck, since it turns out it didn't show up until after 3:00! I ended up not getting to bed until almost 4:00 so I am freaking tired tonight, but eh, it was worth it.

TH went by there on his was home from work and they were still there finishing everything up. He took a few pictures, but they had a work light set up so at least they're not as dark as most of his after work pictures. The concrete guys are supposed to be back in the morning to remove the forms and do some other stuff. Then they're supposed to deliver the stuff they need to start framing it out on Wednesday!! The foreman sent out a new construction schedule, and if everything goes right and there are no major delays, he's talking about having it finished by the first week of March. Like, finished and ready to move in, finished. That's like, 6 weeks from now!!! I cannot freaking wait.

TK is still sick, which sucks. This morning he acted like he was feeling better, and he doesn't seem to have a fever anymore but then by this afternoon he was back to feeling crappy. I'm thinking he probably won't be going to school in the morning either. Poor little Butthead :-(

A few more house pictures!

All but one truckload done, and  in the process of being smoothed by hand.

All poured, and smooth. Hi, smoothing machine!! Anchors for the exterior walls installed around the edges.

Song: A Silent Film - Harbour Lights. Another one I heard on the "new music" show on Sunday night and just got around to looking for. It's catchy. I like :-)

Best thing: FUCK YOU, I'M A CEMENT TRUCK!! :-)

Worst thing: Sick Butthead. Still :-(


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