Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31

Not much going on today. Got home this morning, got TK off to school, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed a little late but got up when TK got home and I'm not really tired tonight. So that's good. We played a little Pixelmon until TH got home, had leftovers for dinner, and now I'm at work. And...that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - ham and cheese rollups. Pepperoni, cheese, and a flax bun when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have some leftover salad.

Song: G-Unit - G'd Up. Random shuffle (NSFW).

Best thing: Tomorrow is April Fools Day. Should be lots of interesting stuff online tonight :-)

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30

Sunday night again. And the start of a long week - the other guy at work needs off this Friday night so I'm working and he's working my Sunday. So a long week, then a short week. Hopefully it won't be too busy Friday night. You just never know.

So I stopped by the store on my way home Friday morning. Everyone was still asleep when I got home so I got TK up and ready to go but he was too late to catch the bus so I ended up taking him to school. Got home and made some breakfast and watched a few episodes of Lost with TH. He went to work and I took a nap. Got up when TK got home, played some Pixelmon, and made tacos for dinner. TH got home and we watched a few more episodes of Lost for movie night. Nothing else really sounded good, lol. I was still tired so I went to bed when TH did. Earlier in the day it rained a little bit in some areas around us and a few places even got some hail but we didn't see anything at all. We could have used the rain but I'm glad we missed out on the hail!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27

Thursday night, finally! Got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a few episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed around noon and got up at 7:30. We had leftovers for dinner so nobody bothered cooking. When I get off in the morning I need to stop by HEB for a couple of things but I haven't decided yet if I'll do it on the way home or wait until TK leaves for school. I guess it depends on how I feel.

So when I got to work tonight there was a package for me from my employer. It was a "years of service" certificate, a pin, and my vacation check! Only problem is that it was for 3 years, and only one week of vacation. I've been there almost 6 years (5 of that was full time) so it should have been 5 years and 2 weeks of vacation. So I need to call the office in the morning and figure out wtf is going on. The only thing I can think is that somehow they reset me after I spent some time only working part time a few years ago. I hope not though, because we were kinda counting on a 2 week vacation check. Bastards >:-(

Noms for the day: Breakfast - eggs, Spam, a flax bun, and shredded cheese. Lunch when I woke up - leftovers from breakfast. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have some chicken and cabbage stuff leftover from the other night.

Song: Dope - Bitch. Random shuffle.

Best thing: We figured out that we could change our phone plan to save about $75/month!

Worst thing: Stupid vacation check screwup, or something.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and got TK off to school and went to bed pretty early. A new update for Xbox 360 Minecraft that came out this morning so I wanted to have time this afternoon to play with TK and check it out. It's awesome, by the way! They added in a lot of new stuff from the PC version of Minecraft :-) So I got up a little after TK got home, we played some Minecraft for a while, and made hamburgers for dinner. And now I'm at work. There's been a chance of rain all day but it's just now starting to drizzle. So I dunno.

While I was asleep TH made a couple of batches of flax buns and cleaned the oven. It was getting pretty dirty! The self-cleaning feature works nicely, though. I helped him wipe up all of the residue from the bottom after I got up so that was fun, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - a flax bun with peanut butter. Lunch before work - a hamburger patty with cheese, green beans, and spinach. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have part of a salad left over from last night.

Song: St. Vincent - Digital Witness. A new one!

Best thing: One of the residents here at work stopped by to say hi and handed me a rose! So sweet :-)

Worst thing: Traffic on the way to work was like, really annoying for some reason. Stupid peoples >:-(


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25

Well, I'm tired tonight but not nearly as tired as I was afraid I was going to be. I got super lucky with jury duty today :-) So I got home this morning and went to bed early, slept for about 5 hours, and went to jury duty. I got there early enough to get one of the assigned jury parking spaces, so yay! Went inside and sat around waiting for a while then the court clerk dude had us fill out some paperwork and explained the whole thing. Apparently they have 20-25 cases assigned at once and they will all come in and meet with the prosecutor to decide if they really want to go to trial or if they just want to settle out of court. Anyone who decides to go to trial gets put on a list and they'll pick one case to hear that day. If that had happened we would have been there until 5:00 or so, probably. Luckily, everyone decided to settle so we were out of there in like an hour and a half :-) So I actually got home before TK did. He got home and we played a little Pixelmon then I took another quick nap. And now I'm at work, and I have done my civil freaking duty and hopefully won't get called back for a long, long time!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese and almonds when I woke up. Taco meat, shredded cheese, and spinach before work. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a salad with more taco meat to work with me.

Song: The Black Keys - Howlin' For You. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Easy jury duty!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and got TK off to school then went to bed pretty early. Got up when TK got home, swept, took out the trash, and played Pixelmon with him until almost time for TH to get home. Made a cabbage/chicken buffalo alfredo skillet thingie for dinner. It was good :-) Tomorrow I need to try to go to bed as early as I possibly can because I have to go to freaking jury duty. Sigh. I'm supposed to be there at 1:30 so I'm trying to figure out how early I need to leave to get there on time. It doesn't help that the courthouse is downtown and parking fucking sucks, either. There are supposed to be like 20 spots reserved for jurors but I'll bet they fill up fast. So it could get interesting :-/

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Chicken skillet stuff for dinner. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have some leftover keto pizza here at work.

Song: Pharrell Williams - Happy. TK has been listening to this song constantly lately. It's finally starting to grow on me, lol.

Best thing: Actually slept pretty well!

Worst thing: Found out tonight that the guy here at work who has been out sick for like 3 weeks is definitely not coming back :-(


Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23

Sunday night again. It was hot Friday and Saturday but a front blew through today so it's kinda windy and cool again. It's nice :-) I think there was like a 40% chance of rain but we never got any here in town. A couple of places further out got a little bit. Not nearly enough to have any effect on the lakes, though. We need for it to rain for like a week straight, then maybe we can finally break this stupid drought and get the lakes filled back up.

So Friday morning I got home and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched 3 or 4 episodes of Lost with TH. He left for work and I took a nap until TK got home. We played some Black Ops 2 for a little bit then I made nacho stuff for dinner. I had started some pork for carnitas in the crock pot before I went to bed so we had that on the nachos. After I pulled it out of the crock pot I threw in some chicken thighs to cook in the leftover juices. Now we have about 4.5 pounds of cooked chicken to use for dinners all week :-) TH got home and we watched Anchorman 2. Well, part of Anchorman 2. TH fell asleep about halfway through it and I just gave up. There were a few funny parts but it was really just kinda stupid :-/ After that I was still tired so I went to bed when TH did.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20

Finally Thursday night! The other guy here at work called in sick for this afternoon so our boss stayed late and I came in 2 hours early. Yay, overtime? I told them that if he's still sick when he's supposed to come in tomorrow night I could work for him but I'm really hoping I don't have to. I mean, the overtime would be nice but I'm really ready for my weekend :-/

So this morning on my way home I stopped by HEB for a couple of things. I probably would have waited until Friday but we were completely out of bread and TK always takes a sandwich for lunch. So I had to do it today. Got home and got TK off to school, made breakfast and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH, and went to bed a little late. Got up early and came to work early and that's pretty much it for the day.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 3 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some cheese and pepperoni, or I still have tuna left over from last night.

Song: Hot Hot Heat - Oh Goddamnit. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: There's a resident here at work who has been saying he was going to buy me a college-themed beanie hat (the golf course in the neighborhood out here is affiliated with the local university, so our uniforms and hats match the team colors). He brought me one today! So sweet :-)

Worst thing: Long night at work :-/

Okey dokeys then.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. I slept about 6 hours but I guess that wasn't enough to make up for yesterday. Yesterday I only got about 4 :-/ So yesterday morning I got off work, stopped for some coffee, and went to pick up my mom. We went over to the hospital, which is on the other freaking side of town from where any of us live. And of course traffic sucked. My sister was asleep when we got there so we woke her up, lol. The NICU didn't open for the day until 10:00 so we hung out with her for a while, took her downstairs so she could get out of the room for a little bit, and got some more coffee. She was doing fine - still in some pain but able to get up and move around a little. So that was good to see! When it was finally time to go see the baby only one of us at a time was allowed to go in with my sister so our mom sat in the waiting room while I went first. I didn't get to hold her but I could touch her and stuff. She's so cute and so freaking tiny!! I took some pictures, of course. Our mom went in with her afterwards and they were gone for freaking ever! I seriously almost fell asleep in the waiting room. We left pretty quick after that, I dropped my mom off at her house, and got home at almost 3:00. Slept for a while, went to work, and was tireder than shit all night. Sigh.

This morning I went home and TH was up so I went straight to bed. Got up around 1:00 and watched a few episodes of Lost with TH. TK got home and we just kinda hung out until it was time for me to come to work. So other than that not too much going on.

Noms for the days: Stayed keto!

Song: Toby Keith - Should've Been a Cowboy. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Both my sister and the baby seem to be doing well!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17

Monday night. So I never heard anything else from my mom last night about my sister so I went home and went straight to bed. TH got TK up and off to school. I slept until TK got home then we played Pixelmon for a while. Sonic had a half price deal on cheeseburgers today so TH stopped on his way home and bought us burgers. Nom :-)

My mom texted me after I got up today and said that my sister had her C-section this afternoon. The baby is in the NICU right now because it's having some breathing problems but other than that everything seems to be ok. So yay! After I get off in the morning I'm going to go pick up my mom and we're going to go see them. Oh yeah! It's a girl - they're going to name her Emily :-) They already have 2 boys so I'm sure she's happy! And supposedly she got her tubes tied while they were at it because they seriously don't need another kid. But that's a whole different story...

Noms for the day: Breakfast - a couple of pieces of cheese. 1 net carb. Some almonds, cheese, and pepperoni when I woke up - 4 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought 2 bunless cheeseburgers with me.

Song: The White Stripes - My Doorbell. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Seems like nothing wrong with my sister or the baby!

Worst thing: Stupid St. Patrick's Day people at work >:-(


Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16

Sunday night again. Sigh. Another cold front blew through this morning - it's not really terribly cold, but it is windier than fuck out there. I actually woke up fairly early today and I didn't take a nap before I came to work but surprisingly I'm not too tired! Not yet, at least. And, today was TH and my anniversary!! 15 years, if you can believe it. And we haven't killed each other yet, lol. It sucked though because on Sundays he works from 7-7 and then I leave for work at 9:00. So we really didn't get to see each other very much :-(

So Friday I got home from work and everyone was still asleep so I went on to bed. TH woke me up before he left and TK and I got out and did some stuff. I took him to get a haircut and he looks so freaking cute now! We went by Toys R Us to check out the new stuff, stopped by Sprouts for some TVP crumbles and flax meal, and went by Randall's for a couple of things. I bought 4 24 ounce beers - I drank one Friday night and one Saturday night! And the other 2 will sit there until next Friday night :-) Got home and played some Pixelmon, then I made a frozen pizza for TH and TK. I had wings :-) TH got home and we watched the new Robocop movie. It was actually pretty good! I was tired so I went on to bed when he did.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13

Holy shit I am freaking tired tonight. I think I got about 4 hours of sleep. Maybe :-/ And I am so fucking ready for this week to be over, and for everyone to go home, and all of the little shits to go back to school. Not mine though. I like having mine home :-) But between Spring Break and that stupid fucking music festival there are way too many people running around. I kinda need to get out and do a few things this weekend but I really don't want to leave the house. Sigh. Oh and last night some drunk guy ran into a crowd of people downtown who were waiting to get into a show. He killed 2 people and injured like 23 more. So that fucking sucked :-(

So it has been so busy at work that by the time I really had a chance to write, I was just like...fuck it, lol. Plus last night I ended up playing PC Minecraft with TK most of the night. We finally fucked around with that old laptop enough to get it to run Minecraft! And then we spend all day today trying to figure out how to set up our own Minecraft server. And I do mean all day, lol. That would be why I'm so freaking tired tonight :-/ But we did it! We even managed to find the older version of the server software so that we could set it up as a Pixelmon server! We're so fucking smart, lol.

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10

Not much going on today. It started raining after I got to work and I think it's supposed to rain off and on all night. Warm tomorrow, then a windy-ass cold front blows through tomorrow night. Lovely :-/

I had planned on stopping by HEB on my way home this morning for a couple of things but I forgot my wallet at home. So I guess I'll try to do that in the morning. So, I got home and everyone was still asleep so I went to bed pretty early. Got up before TH left for work and hung out with him for a little bit. He left and I made some breakfast then played a little Minecraft and Ghosts with TK. I was still kinda tired so I took a quick nap at about 6:30. And now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese after I got up - 4 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I still have the leftover enchilada stuff.

Song: KONGOS - Come With Me Now. Another new one.

Best thing: At least I didn't get pulled over while I didn't have my wallet with me? XD

Worst thing: Busy and annoying at work >:-(


Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9

Sunday night again. Already. Sigh. And it's Spring Break, and there's a big-ass music/film festival in town, so traffic is fucking nuts. It's going to be busier than shit here at work this week, I can already tell. Double sigh :-/

So Friday morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home to pick up a few things. Got home and got TK up and off to school, then TH and I went to the new credit union to refinance my car! We ended up cutting the interest rate in half, which lowered the payments by $200/month! We also had the option to delay our first payment for 60 days which will help us get all of our shit caught up. And, we were approved for a new credit card! It has a decent interest rate by itself but it has a super low rate for balance transfers. So we're going to transfer some of our higher shit over there and pay it off at a lower rate. Yay! Anyway, we finished up there then went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and had some breakfast, watched a couple of episodes of Orange is the New Black, then TH went to work. I wasn't sleepy yet so I just kinda hung out until TK got home. He got home and we played a little Minecraft until time for TH to get home. They had chicken strips and mashed potatoes for dinner, but I wasn't hungry and I was really tired so I just went on to bed early. So no movie night.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6

Well I'm tired again tonight but at least it's finally Thursday. Yay! So I got home this morning and got TK up and off to school, then TH and I made some breakfast and watched a couple of episodes of Orange is the New Black. Went to bed around 11:00 again and got up at 7:30. Took a shower and hung out with them until it was time to come to work. So that's pretty much it.

I'll probably stop by Randall's on the way home in the morning to pick up a couple of things. I also need to get a couple of dollars in cash so TK can buy his lunch at school. He usually takes a lunch but tomorrow they're going to visit the high school he'll being going to next year (OMG!!) and they're going to eat lunch there. So he needs money :-) Then...I dunno. TH and I are going to go check out a new credit union because we got approved to refinance my car!! We should get an interest rate that's almost half of what we're paying now so it should lower the payments by about $100/month. So that's cool :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, half a can of Spam, zucchini "hash browns", and shredded cheese. Maybe 9 or so net carbs? Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have some more enchilada stuff.

Song: Selena Gomez - Love You Like a Love Song. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Lower car payment!

Worst thing: Still dealing with shit from my dad :-/

Yep yep yep.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5

Man, I am tired again tonight! Got home this morning and got TK off to school and once again ended up staying up way too late. TH was up when I got home so after TK left I put together a lasagna/enchilada/cabbage type casserole for dinner, we made some breakfast, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and another episode of Orange is the New Black. I went to bed around 11:00 and woke up when TK got home. Stayed up and hung out with them for a little while, then took another nap. Got up at 8:00 and now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee and a flax bun on my way to work - 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some of the casserole thingie.

Song: Grouplove - Shark Attack. A new one!

Best thing: TH bought a new lawn mower so he was finally able to mow! The yard was getting...unruly :-)

Worst thing: Sooooo freaking tired :-(


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4

Holy crap I am freaking tired tonight. I didn't sleep well :-( So I watched the weather and stuff all night last night. It pretty much rained and sleeted almost all night. By the time I got ready to go home they were reporting ice on bridges and overpasses in a lot of areas. Luckily I didn't really run into anything really bad though. It was really wet but there were just a few spots that were a little slick. So that was cool. TK's school had called a late start the night before and they didn't end up cancelling, which disappointed him a little.

So I got home and hung out with TH for a while. Since we didn't have to get TK up early we watched an episode of Orange is the New Black. Got TK up and off to school and I went to bed around 9:30. I woke up at like 1:00 and couldn't go back to sleep for some reason. TK got home and I hung out with him for a while then took another nap. We still had leftover chili for dinner so I didn't make dinner. And now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Iced coffee and cheese on the way to work. 4 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought a salad and some chili.

Song: We Love Katamari Soundtrack - Katamari on the Swing. From the video game We Love Katamari. Drives TK nuts when I sing this, lol. NAAAAH, na na na na na na na, na na na na na NAAAAAAH :-)

Best thing: No problems getting home this morning!

Worst thing: Soooo tired :-(


Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3

Aaaaaaaah crap. So it's actually colder tonight than it was last night but it's not windy so it actually feels a little warmer. To me, at least. I think the high temperature today was like 42 or something and by the time I left for work at 9:00 it was about 35 and it had started raining. Now it's just below freezing with a wintry mix falling. TK's school has already called for a 2 hour delay but I'm thinking if it keeps up the way it's looking like they'll probably end up cancelling. So that's cool. The drive home in the morning could be...interesting, though. Sigh.

So I got home this morning and got TK off to school. I gave him a ride down to the bus stop since it was like, 26 with a wind chill of 14 :-/ Got back and hung out with TH for a while, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Orange is the New Black. Ended up not going to bed until almost 11:00 and got up when TK got home. So I'm like, seriously tired tonight :-( Played a little Minecraft with TK until time for TH to get home, then made some rice, cornbread, and heated up some leftover chili for dinner. And now I'm at work watching the radar all night.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, half a can of Spam, and shredded cheese. 7 or so, maybe. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought chili with me.

Song: The Wallflowers - 6th Avenue Heartache. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Applied for a credit limit increase on my credit card and got approved! (Actually that might be a good thing and a bad thing, lol)

Worst thing: I got a fucking jury duty summons in the mail. So now I have to register and hope I don't get picked. I got called a couple of years ago and ended up being on a jury for a fucking murder trial >:-(


Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2

Holy fuckballs it is cold and windier than SHIT out there tonight! According to The Weather Channel it is 28, with a wind chill of 15!! This is just about bullshit, lol. And it was so nice out yesterday... They're talking about a very slight chance of icy shit in the morning but a much better one tomorrow night and Tuesday morning. So I guess we'll see what happens.

So Friday morning I got off work and went up to see my mom. She was up when I got there but not ready yet so we kinda hung out for a while. She needed to stop by and pay her cable bill so we waited until 9:00 to leave. Did that, then went to Walmart. And we were there for freaking ever :-/ Stopped by Whataburger for lunch, went back to her house for a while, and I left at about 3:00. Got home just before TK did, hung out with him for a while after he got home, then took a nap until TH got home. Got up and had some leftovers for dinner and just kinda hung out with TH until he went to bed. Stayed up and played some Minecraft with TK for a while.