Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6

Thursday night!!!! It's finally here :-) I'm going to go home in the morning and probably hibernate for the next 2 days, lol. I know I'll be back here Sunday night whining about how it wasn't long enough though :-) Also, next week will be a long week, kinda. But then the next one will be short! Next Friday is Valentines Day and the other guy at work wants to take off so he can babysit his friends' kid. I really don't give 2 shits about Valentines Day so I offered to trade with him. I'll work that Friday and he'll work my Sunday night. That actually works out ok because that Monday (the 17th) is Presidents Day and TK is out of school. Yay!

So there was a chance for sleet and shit this morning (Thursday). By about 4 am all of the schools in the area had called for a 2 hour delay. I sat here last night watching this huge band of sleet and freezing rain on the radar moving up toward our area. A couple of towns just south of us got some ice and a little snow, but just before it actually hit our town, it kinda fizzled out. So school was delayed, and we got nothing. People were kinda pissed, lol. TK was happy, of course. So, I got home this morning and tried to go to bed while everyone was still asleep but I just wasn't sleepy enough. Got up and hung out with TH, got TK up and off to school, and went to bed around 11:00 again. Got up at 6:00 and just kinda hung out with them until it was time to come to work.

Tomorrow morning could get interesting. There is an even better chance for sleet and shit again! This time there's actually a weather advisory and everything. So, all of the schools and government offices and everything have already decided to cancel. That means TK and I get to play all day! Assuming I make it home in one piece, that is :-/ Right now they're thinking it will start getting bad around 6:00 or 7:00. It would be awesome if it waited until I got home! I need to go by HEB in the morning for a few things but I guess if it's bad I'll just slide my way home and get out later. It's only supposed to get up into the 30's but most everything should be melted by noon or so. So TH should have no problem getting to work by 2:30.

Hmmmm. Dunno what else. I kinda can't believe I actually worked 12 days straight. I'm tired, but not as tired as I thought I would be. It's more of a mentally tired than anything, I think.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - cheese, almonds, and 2 flax buns. 7 net carbs. Lunch before work - leftover hamburger patty and chicken. 0 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have leftover salad.

Song: Eminem, Obie Trice - Drips. Random shuffle. And yeah, NSFW, lol.

Best thing: THURSDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Worst thing: Ice in the morning, maybe :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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