Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13

It's Thursday night! But it's like, a fake Thursday night because I'm working tomorrow night. Sigh. At least I get Sunday night off to make up for it? I hope it won't be super fucking busy because it's Valentine's Day but I'm afraid it will. So that's gonna suck :-/

So I got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write. Not really much going on though. Yesterday I got home and got TK up and off to school, then TH and I made some breakfast and just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed late (again) and got up around 8:00. TH made steak and roasted veggies for dinner. It was seriously nom :-) Work was about average, I guess. Not really too slow or too busy.

This morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home to pick up some more cottage cheese. We decided that we wanted to make a chorizo/enchilada/zucchini...casserole type thing. It should be interesting :-) Got home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a while, and once again went to bed too late. Got up at 8:00 and took a shower then just hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. He didn't have a chance to make dinner but we still had leftovers from the night before so that worked. It's kinda busy so far at work but not too bad.

So I found out the other day that there was a job opening for a maintenance/janitorial type guy with the HOA out here where I work. TH was thinking that he might want to check it out. It pays $1.50 more per hour, you get an extra $500 per month for using your own vehicle, and they put gas in your car once a week. Oh and you get vacation time, sick time, and personal days. And he would be off on Fridays and Saturdays. Sounds awesome, huh? Well, he was all ready to go check it out when I found out that my boss here at the gatehouse was applying for it. Fucking grrrrrr. So he (my boss) is pretty much guaranteed to get it unless the head HOA dude says no. Which is possible, because apparently there is some kind of agreement between the security company we work for and the HOA out here (the client) that neither one will try to hire employees away from the other. So there is a slight chance that he won't get it. I'm thinking maybe TH should go ahead and apply, just in case. Because that would be kinda awesome :-)

Hmmm, what else? We got paid today. I got the super awesome overtime check from working those extra days. It was nice :-) We were able to go ahead and finish paying off the property taxes before anybody noticed that they were late. Yay! Because technically since they weren't paid in full by the due date we were in violation of our mortgage agreement. Oops :-/ But it's done and paid for now!

I talked to my mom last night and told her I would come see her next Friday (the 21st). Sigh. At least it will just be for the day, since I need to be home by the time TK gets home from school at 4:00. I've been invited to a wedding that Saturday but I'm not sure if I'm going to go. It's in a little town about an hour and a half away. It kinda sounds like it might be more trouble than it's worth, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - pork rinds and sour cream. 4 or so, probably. Iced coffee and some cheese on the way to work - 3 net carbs. When I get hungry later I have either leftover steak and veggies or some zucchini lasagna. Either way I'm good.

Song: P!nk - Fuckin' Perfect. Random shuffle, but I really like this one :-)

Best thing: Paid off the taxes!!

Worst thing: TH might have missed out on a good job :-(


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