Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11

Still windy, cold, and a little damp out, but no rain or anything happening right now. They delayed school for 2 hours and it never ended up doing anything but drizzling. So at least I had no trouble getting home, lol. They're saying that if it gets cold enough before it dries up there might be a little ice in some spots in the morning but not enough to cause any problems. So that's that.

So I got home this morning and everyone was still asleep but I wasn't tired yet. I kinda planned on just hanging out by myself and having a little quiet time but of course TH decided to get up early. Sigh. So I hung out with him for a while, woke TK up when it was time to go to school, and didn't end up going to bed until almost noon again. I had trouble sleeping :-( I got up after TH got home from work. We had leftover lasagna for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. Now I'm at work, and after tonight I'm halfway through for the week!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Iced coffee and a flax bun on the way to work. 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some tuna and some leftover zucchini lasagna. So either way I'm good :-)

Song: Weezer - Beverly Hills. Random shuffle tonight.

Best thing: No ice this morning!

Worst thing: Tired - I didn't sleep well :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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