Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27

Finally Thursday night! It's cold again tonight and kinda windy but not nearly as cold as it was this morning. There was serious ice on my car when I left work this morning! Tomorrow and Saturday though it's supposed to be almost 80 again. As long as it doesn't get too much warmer than that for a while I'll be ok. I really don't like the heat!

So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, made 3 batches of flax buns, made some breakfast, then TH and I watched a couple more episodes of Orange is the New Black. I ended up not getting to bed until after 1:00 :-/ Got up at 8:00 and hung out with TH until it was time to come to work. So I'm kinda tired tonight.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26

Well it was supposed to rain all day but that didn't happen. It rained some overnight and then just kinda fizzled out. It was cold and windy all day though. Even colder tonight so they're calling for a slight chance of ice in the morning if some of the water that's still out there manages to freeze. I think we'll be ok though.

So I stopped by HEB on my way home this morning for some apples. They also had asparagus on sale for $.99/lb so I bought a couple of bunches. Roasted asparagus, nom! Stopped by the post office and mailed the phone off. Got home at about the time I usually wake TK up but he and TH were already up. Got him off to school and made a batch of zucchini hummus, which is basically hummus using zucchini instead of garbanzo beans (duh, lol). It was freaking awesome!! Made some breakfast and since there was no new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. we watched the first episode of Orange is the new Black. So far it looks pretty good. Ended up going to bed at around 11:00 and slept until 8:00. TH cooked a ham that we had thawed out and bagged it up to freeze. So we had ham for dinner :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - half a can of Spam, 3 eggs, and shredded cheese.8 or so net carbs, I think. Iced coffee and 2 flax buns on the way to work - 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought a salad with ham on it and some zucchini hummus with pork rinds.

Song: Imagine Dragons - On Top of the World. A new one!

Best thing: Zucchini hummus!!!!!

Worst thing: Our Betta fish here at work died. RIP Fred Fish :-(

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25

It is seriously raining right now. Thunder, lightning, everything. I guess this means the cold front is here? I think it's supposed to rain pretty much all day and be cold and windy. Lovely, lol.

So I got home this morning, got TK up and off to school, cleaned up the kitchen, and hung out with TH for a while. We made breakfast and I ended up staying up wayyyy too late. Got up when TK got home and we played some Minecraft until time for TH to get home. I made some chicken/broccoli/alfredo stuff for dinner. Nom :-) I need to stop by Randall's or something on my way home in the morning because TK needs apples for his lunch. I also need to go by the post office. I started talking to a lady on one of the keto boards on Reddit and basically I'm going to send her one of our old iPhones. She had a stroke a while back and has trouble talking sometimes and there are text-to-speech apps you can get for iPhone that would help her out. So that's cool :-) Then hopefully I can go to bed and get some decent sleep because I am seriously freaking tired!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 3 net carbs. Lunch - a bowl of TVP "cereal" with almond milk - 4 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some alfredo stuff.

Song: Train - Drops of Jupiter. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Saw my cop buddy tonight. I can't wait for the game Saturday!

Worst thing: found out that my boss did get the maintenance job. Sigh.


Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24

Not much going on today. Got home and got TK up and off to school, made some breakfast, and hung out with TH for a while. Went to bed pretty late and slept late. I didn't feel like making dinner so we just kinda scrounged. And, that's pretty much it, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, chorizo, and shredded cheese. 6 or so net carbs. Iced coffee and a flax bun on my way to work - 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought a salad with me.

Song: Young Love - Discotech. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Saw my neighbor buddy as I was leaving for work. She's still up for going to the game Saturday night :-)

Worst thing: Freaking cramps >:-(


Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23

Sunday night again. The weekends are seriously not long enough. Sigh. It's a little windy and cool out right now but it was really warm today. I think they're calling for one more round of coldish weather and then it's on to Spring. And it will be over 100 before we know it. Lovely :-/

So I got home Friday and got TK off to school then went by HEB for a few things. TH was up when I got back home so we hung out for a little while and went to Sam's. We had a BOGO coupon for a new bacon burger at Jack in the Box so we stopped by there on the way home. It was pretty good, but since I ate mine without the bun it was a little pricy for what you get. Without the coupon, I mean. Hung out with him until he left for work then played a little Black Ops 2 until TK got home. We played some Minecraft until TH got home and we had nachos for dinner. We were going to watch a movie but I hadn't had a nap and I was tired so I went on to bed early.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20

Thursday night!! I still have the snotty nasty crap. Sigh. A cool front blew through earlier today so it's kinda windy and a little cooler. Feels nice, though. I'm planning on stopping by HEB on my way home in the morning and if I end up getting home a little late I'll just take TK to school. I think TH and I are going to go by Sam's after he gets up, too. So that should be fun, lol.

Got home this morning and got TK up and off to school. He was still a tiny bit snotty but felt well enough to go to school. Yay! TH got up and we made some breakfast, hung out for a while, and watched The Kentucky Fried Movie. Oh lord it was stupid. Pretty funny though :-) Went to bed late again and got up at about 8:00. TH made steak and roasted veggies for dinner - nom! Other than that not really much going on. Oh, I texted my neighbor buddy to see if she wanted to go to the football game next weekend. She said yep! So it should be awesome :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - wings and ranch dressing. 10 net carbs. Iced coffee and a flax bun on the way to work. 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought the steak and veggies with me. So no more than 8 or so, for sure.

Song: Smash Mouth - All Star. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got our tax refund this morning :-)

Worst thing: Found out that my boss is almost 100% for sure going to get that maintenance job that TH applied for :-(

Yep yep yep.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19

Well I think it's safe to say that I officially have the bird flu snotty crap that TH and TK have had. Sigh. TH seems to be totally over it and I think TK is well enough to go back to school tomorrow. I on the other hand feel like a piece of dog shit that got run over by a truck carrying a load of dog shit. I took some Tylenol cold and sinus stuff before I came to work and it seems to be helping a little bit. But now that I'm sick I think I'm going to wait until next Friday to go up and see my mom. I know I probably won't feel like it this Friday, and I don't want to risk making her sick again. So there's that, I guess.

So I stopped by Randall's on my way home to pick up a couple of things that we needed. Got home and woke TK up and he still sounded pretty bad so I let him stay home again today. He ended up sleeping until after noon, lol. TH was still asleep so I played a little Black Ops 2 until he got up. We made some breakfast and just kinda hung out for a while. I had trouble going to sleep so I didn't end up getting to bed until after TK got up :-/ Slept until about 8:30 and now I'm at work. Only one more night!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 3 net carbs. Iced coffee and a flax bun on the way to work - 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought a small salad and some leftover enchilada stuff.

Song: Bloodhound Gang - Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo. Random shuffle. This one's funny but kinda dirty, lol.

Best thing: My boss gave me $5 this morning for helping him write up a resignation letter :-)

Worst thing: Bird fluuuuuuuuu :-(


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18

Tired tonight. And I'm starting to get a scratchy throat. I hope I'm not trying to catch the same crap that TH and TK have. That would seriosuly suck :-/ TH at least came home from work today feeling better. TK woke up super snotty this morning so we let him stay home. He ended up sleeping all morning.

So I didn't have to get TK up and off to school this morning. Got home and cleaned up the kitchen and hung out with TH for a while. I had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I hate it when my little butthead is sick :-( I got up around 7:00. We still had leftovers for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. Now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - TVP "oatmeal". 4 net carbs. Iced coffee and 2 flax buns on the way to work - 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have some of the leftover enchilada stuff or a container of cheese, almonds, and pepperoni.

Song: Ben Gibbard - Dream Song. Random shuffle yet again.

Best thing: Got my big stuffed Eevee today! Picture tomorrow, I hope :-)

Worst thing: Poor sick little butthead :-(


Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17

Monday night, and I'm back at work. That feels weird to say, lol. I've been messed up all weekend forgetting which day was which. I kinda hate schedule changes because they hurt my brain :-/

So I got home Saturday morning and went to bed fairly early. Slept until about 2:00 when TK woke me up after his buddy left. Hung out with him for a while, waiting for the new version of Pixelmon to release. Played that until TH got home then made nachos (pork rind nachos for me) and watched Free Birds for movie night. It was actually cuter than I thought it was going to be! I was still tired so I went to bed pretty much when TH did.

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14

Friday night! And Valentines Day. And holy fuck it is busier than shit out here tonight. Sigh. There was lots of traffic on my way to work too. Fucking people and their fucking doing shit for Valentines Day...shit :-P I am going to be so ready to go home in the morning. TK's buddy is spending the night so they'll probably stay up all night and still be asleep when I get home. I'll probably go to bed pretty quick after I get home. Then...I dunno. We'll do something, lol.

So I got home this morning and got TK up and off to school. TH made breakfast and we hung out for a while. Once again I ended up staying up wayyyy too late and didn't get up until 8:00. Sigh. Nobody worried about making dinner so everybody just scrounged. Hey, whatever works!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 4 slices of Spam, and shredded cheese. 7 or so net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some tuna and pork rinds. So doing good!

Song: Neon Trees - Animal. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: One of our residents brought us a big-ass jar of Jelly Belly jelly beans :-) I mean, I'm not going to eat any of them, but it was sweet!!

Worst thing: Fucking busy ass Friday night Valentines Day shit >:-(


Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13

It's Thursday night! But it's like, a fake Thursday night because I'm working tomorrow night. Sigh. At least I get Sunday night off to make up for it? I hope it won't be super fucking busy because it's Valentine's Day but I'm afraid it will. So that's gonna suck :-/

So I got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write. Not really much going on though. Yesterday I got home and got TK up and off to school, then TH and I made some breakfast and just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed late (again) and got up around 8:00. TH made steak and roasted veggies for dinner. It was seriously nom :-) Work was about average, I guess. Not really too slow or too busy.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11

Still windy, cold, and a little damp out, but no rain or anything happening right now. They delayed school for 2 hours and it never ended up doing anything but drizzling. So at least I had no trouble getting home, lol. They're saying that if it gets cold enough before it dries up there might be a little ice in some spots in the morning but not enough to cause any problems. So that's that.

So I got home this morning and everyone was still asleep but I wasn't tired yet. I kinda planned on just hanging out by myself and having a little quiet time but of course TH decided to get up early. Sigh. So I hung out with him for a while, woke TK up when it was time to go to school, and didn't end up going to bed until almost noon again. I had trouble sleeping :-( I got up after TH got home from work. We had leftover lasagna for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. Now I'm at work, and after tonight I'm halfway through for the week!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Iced coffee and a flax bun on the way to work. 3 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some tuna and some leftover zucchini lasagna. So either way I'm good :-)

Song: Weezer - Beverly Hills. Random shuffle tonight.

Best thing: No ice this morning!

Worst thing: Tired - I didn't sleep well :-(

Okey dokeys then.

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10

Well, it is cold, windy, drizzly, and gross outside tonight. They're still calling for a decent chance for ice in the morning but no word on any school delays yet. They're supposed to let us know by 6 am. I kinda figure that after the last 2 times they delayed and cancelled and nothing happened, they're going to be afraid to cancel and then it will just ice its butt off and we'll be screwed. So I guess we'll see what happens.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and hung out with TH for a while. TH made some breakfast and I put together a zucchini lasagna to cook for dinner. We also filed the taxes. We were afraid we were going to end up owing money this year but it turns out we should get about $750 back! That will definitely help us get caught up :-) I didn't get to bed until almost noon and slept until about 6:30. Cooked the lasagna, watched TK play Pixelmon until TH got home, then hung out with them until it was time to come to work. As I was leaving the neighbor next door came out and asked if I wanted to go to a movie with her sometime this week. I'm thinking about it :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, a flax bun, and shredded cheese. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. Cheese and almonds after I got here - 4 net carbs. When I get hungry later I brought some zucchini lasagna. I haven't a\had a chance to figure how much that would be but I'm guessing no more than 10, surely. Yay, I'm back on :-)

Song: Queens of the Stone Age - I Sat by the Ocean. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Tax refund!!

Worst thing: Ice in the morning?


Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9

Sunday night again. And yep, the weekend wasn't nearly long enough. Sigh. So TK's school decided to cancel Friday because of the chance for ice and shit. Of course, nothing ended up happening, lol. Which was nice for me because I really didn't want to have to drive home in that shit again. So I stopped by HEB on my way home. Got home and TH was awake so I hung out with him for a while. TK got up and we made breakfast and just kinda hung out until TH got ready to go to work. I took a quick nap then TK and I played a little Minecraft. I made frozen pizzas for dinner and we watched The Hungover Games for movie night. It was really, really stupid. Pretty funny though. I was kinda tired still so I went to bed when TH did.

Saturday I woke up when TH left for work and never really was able to go back to sleep. We had decided to go to Target to look for a new flash drive for TH so I woke TK up kinda early. We went to feed the ducks first though :-) We weren't able to find the flash drive that TH wanted but we did end up buying a few toys :-) I got 2 plush My Little Pony noonacorns (unicorns)!! Got home and hung out for a while, did some laundry and cleaning, and played Minecraft until time for TH to get home. We had wings and fries for dinner and watched 2 Guns. It was good! I was tired again so I went to bed early.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6

Thursday night!!!! It's finally here :-) I'm going to go home in the morning and probably hibernate for the next 2 days, lol. I know I'll be back here Sunday night whining about how it wasn't long enough though :-) Also, next week will be a long week, kinda. But then the next one will be short! Next Friday is Valentines Day and the other guy at work wants to take off so he can babysit his friends' kid. I really don't give 2 shits about Valentines Day so I offered to trade with him. I'll work that Friday and he'll work my Sunday night. That actually works out ok because that Monday (the 17th) is Presidents Day and TK is out of school. Yay!

So there was a chance for sleet and shit this morning (Thursday). By about 4 am all of the schools in the area had called for a 2 hour delay. I sat here last night watching this huge band of sleet and freezing rain on the radar moving up toward our area. A couple of towns just south of us got some ice and a little snow, but just before it actually hit our town, it kinda fizzled out. So school was delayed, and we got nothing. People were kinda pissed, lol. TK was happy, of course. So, I got home this morning and tried to go to bed while everyone was still asleep but I just wasn't sleepy enough. Got up and hung out with TH, got TK up and off to school, and went to bed around 11:00 again. Got up at 6:00 and just kinda hung out with them until it was time to come to work.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5

Wednesday, yay. Almost done!! It is seriously cold and windier than shit out there tonight. They're calling for lows in the 20's in the morning and a slight chance for freezing rain. Lovely. A couple of school districts around us have already announce a 2 hour delay but so far TK's school has only said that they are "monitoring the weather". So I guess we'll see what happens.

Got home this morning and got TK up and off to school, then started making some more Flax Buns. TH got up and we made some breakfast then watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I started some laundry and got the house vacuumed. I ended up going to bed around 11:00 and got up at 8:00. TH made hamburgers and cream cheese jalapeno popper thingies for dinner. Nom :-) Other than that not really much going on.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 4 eggs, 4 pieces of Spam, and shredded cheese. 6 or so net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry I brought hamburgers and jalapeno thingies to work with me. So maybe 8 or so?

Song: Foster The People - Don't Stop (Color on the Walls). Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Actually accomplished something this morning! Cooking and cleaning in the same day :-)

Worst thing: Might be icy in the morning :-/


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4

Tuesday night. After tonight only 2 more days!! It wasn't very cold when I got here but in the last 30 minutes or so the wind has started to pick up. I think the cold front is here. It's supposed to be cold and windy all day tomorrow so that should be fun, lol.

I wasn't really sleepy when I got home this morning so I got TK up and off to school then just kinda hung out with TH for a while. He made breakfast :-) Went to bed around 10:00 and ended up sleeping until about 7:00. Got up and took a shower then basically just hung out with TH and TK until it was time to come to work. Other than that, not really much going on.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 4 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee on my way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I still have my salad left over from last night. Yay.

Song: Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane. Random shuffle tonight.

Best thing: Saw my cop buddy last night and he invited us to an alumni football game that he's playing in. It's Saturday March 1st at 7 pm. TH doesn't get off work until 7 but I think we're going to try to go. It should be fun!

Worst thing: I'm kinda sore from the whole defrosting the fridges thing last night :-/


Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3

Monday night. It's not as cold and windy as it was last night, thankfully. Just kinda cool and kinda windy. trying to rain a little bit, too. Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty warm and then another front comes through tomorrow night making it fucking ass cold again. They're even talking about a chance for more icy shit Thursday and/or Friday mornings. Lovely, lol.

So I got home this morning and TH was still asleep so I cleaned up the kitchen, made some chocolate peanut butter bites, got TK up and off to school, then once TH got up just kinda hung out with him for a while. I ended up going to bed later than I had planned (big surprise) and got up a little bit after TK got home. He was busy playing Pixelmon and I was still tired so I went back to bed for a while. Got up again when TH got home, ate some leftover pork fajita stuff, and now I'm at work. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake TH up and go to bed earlier. He seems to be feeling better than he was last night, at least.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2

Sunday night. If I ignore the last 7 days I can pretend that it's a brand new week, lol. Only 5 days until the weekend! So today was the Super Bowl - the Denver Broncos against the Seattle Seahawks in New Jersey. Seattle won. By a lot. Like, 60-7 or something. I'd look it up to be sure but it's just too much trouble :-P Today was also Groundhog day and if I remember correctly, the groundhog saw his shadow. So that means 6 more weeks of winter. I think. Again, too lazy to look it up right now. I definitely believe that tonight though. After the cold front blew through last night it has been freaking ass cold and windier than shit out there. I think it's supposed to be down in the 20's in the morning. Fun, fun.

So I got home this morning and was able to go to bed fairly early. Got up and cleaned the kitchen, started some laundry, and played Minecraft with TK until TH got home. I baked some chicken leg quarters and made mashed potatoes to go with it for TH and TK. It was good :-) TK goes back to school tomorrow so if TH is up when I get home I might try to go to bed. I know he was going to bed early tonight so we'll see. I also need to make some more Flax Buns and Chocolate Peanut Butter bites. We've been out of both for like 3 days!

Noms for the day: Almonds for breakfast. 6 net carbs. Chicken for dinner - 0. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought a salad. No more than 8 or so, probably.

Song: Dope - One Fix. Random shuffle, but I love these guys!

Best thing: We got the new free Xbox game today. Dead Island! I've been wanting to play that one for a while now :-)

Worst thing: TH came home feeling kinda crappy. I hope he's not trying to get sick :-/


Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1

Saturday night, yeehaw. Annnnd, it's February! Double yeehaw, lol. I got rained on a little bit on my way to work but it was still kinda warm when I got here. The rain has picked up a little and the wind has shifted so it will probably be cold before too long. I think it's supposed to rain off and on all day tomorrow. Maybe that will keep some people home to watch the Super Bowl instead of going out. The clubhouse here is having a watch party but I'm sure everyone will already be here by the time I come to work tomorrow night. Just as long as there aren't too many idiots on the road it won't be too bad.

So TH called me as I was on my way home this morning and he was on his way to work. I got home and chatted with him for a while, shredded the pork roast that was in the crockpot and put it away, and ended up going to bed around 9:00. I woke up at about 5:30 and hung out with TK for a while watching him play Pixelmon. They wanted nachos for dinner so I opened a can of beans for them and used some of the pork to make fajita stuff. TH got home and we had dinner and hung out for a while until I had to come to work. I'm hoping that I can get to bed earlier tomorrow and get up earlier so I can actually get some stuff done around the house. Hopefully, lol.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Half a plate of pork rind nachos with pork fajita stuff, cheese, sour cream, and guacamole. No more than 7, probably. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought the other half of the nachos with me. Nom :-)

Song: Luke Bryan - Country Girl (Shake It For Me). Random shuffle.

Best thing: I'm halfway finished with my loooong work week!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.

I guess that's pretty much it.