Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8

Sunday night, again. And, it's the beginning of a long freaking week because I agreed to work Friday night for the other guy here at work. So I'll be off Saturday and Sunday instead. At least that makes next week a short week? Dunno. Hopefully it won't be horribly busy or anything. It's still cold out tonight, but not quite as cold as it has been the last few days. In the morning the news stations are talking about what they called "freezing fog". Apparently it's fog that freezes on contact. Who knew? So there's a chance that there might be a little ice on the roads. I guess we'll see.

So Friday morning it was super cold and it had kinda rained and drizzled all night. I parked up under the overhang here at work but it managed to blow under enough that my car was iced over when I got ready to leave. Fun. There were a few reports of ice on the roads so all of the schools called for a 2 hour delay. I decided to go ahead and stop by HEB on my way home since everyone would be sleeping late. I got home and everyone was awake, so I played a little Ghosts with TK until he had to leave for school. Hung out with TH for a little while and then took a nap. I had ordered something online from Target to be picked up in-store, so I picked TK up from school and we headed over there. We also went by Dollar Tree and bought some wrapping paper. Got home and watched a few episodes of South Park while I made pizzas. TH got home and we watched Red 2. It was as good as the first one :-) TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing Black Ops 2. On 2 XBoxes!!! And it was AWESOME!! We got our second copy Friday afternoon :-)

Saturday we slept kinda late then I did some cleaning and laundry. It was still really cold but we were bored so we decided to go over to the little duck pond and see if there were any ducks hanging around. There were :-) So we fed the ducks and froze our asses off for a while. It was fun :-) Got home and played a little Minecraft then watched Kick Ass 2 when TH got home. Oh, and we finally got the blanket that my mom bought for us. It's sooooo soft and fuzzy!! TH went to bed and I had a headache so I went to bed pretty quick after he did.

Sunday we got up kinda early and I made some breakfast, then we just kinda hung out for a while. We played some more Black Ops 2, then TK started playing with his friends online and I went to take a shower and try to take a nap. I couldn't fall asleep so I got up and cleaned the kitchen and made dinner. I had put some carne asada in the crockpot when I got up so I stirfried some of it with some broccoli and cauliflower. I made some rice for TH and TK. TH got home and we had dinner then just kinda hung out until it was time for me to come to work.

So I went to Target Friday to pick up part of Jack's Christmas present, a food grinder attachment for our Kitchenaid mixer. I was able to find that at Target but I can't find anyplace local that sells the sausage stuffer kit, which is kinda stupid. I finally found it online at Home Depot and I'm having it shipped to the store. The best part is that I paid for them with the Target credit card and the Home Depot credit card, so he has no clue whatsoever :-) I had planned on buying it for him a few years ago but...well, you know :-( I figure as much as he loves sausage he's gonna have a ball making his own!

Hmmm. Can't really think of anything else...

Noms for the weekend: Friday - keto pizza for dinner. Saturday - leftover pizza, wings for dinner. Sunday - 2 eggs, 1 sausage patty, and shredded cheese for breakfast. Carne asada, broccoli, and cauliflower for lunch at home. Iced coffee. More carne asada stuff if I get hungry later.

Song: Seether - Fake It. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Sneaky Christmas shopping :-)

Worst thing: TH came home today feeling crappy. I hope he's not trying to get sick :-/


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