Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16

Well, shit. Just...shit. It's Monday night and I'm back at work, but at least it's a short week. It was super fucking busy Friday night so I didn't even have time to think about writing. Plus now they're wanting us to count how many people come in every hour, and break it down further by how many residents, guests, and everything's just all fucking bullshit so I've been in a really bad mood. This all has something to do with the raise that we asked for. Basically they're trying to show that the night shift isn't busy enough to deserve a raise. And I kinda think that they're considering eventually getting rid of the night shift all together. You know what? Fuck em. I think I've pretty much decided that if I can get the transfer over to patrol, I'm gonna take it. Just...fuck these guys.

Annnnnnd, I fucked around and went off keto Friday night, and I'm still not back on. So I'm feeling super shitty because of that. So basically just fuck everything right now.

Song: Dope - Burn. How about a nice angry one tonight?

Best thing: The guy here at work brought me a couple of board games that his roommates got for their kid and ended up not needing. He thought maybe TK would enjoy them :-)

Worst thing: All of it, right now >:-(


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