Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29

So, I kinda slacked off a little bit. Okay, a lot. It has been so freaking busy at work lately, plus I managed to get the Xbox working so I have been playing with TK every night. So I haven't written in a few days. Oh well, lol.

Let's see...Christmas was awesome! TH and TK loved the stuff I got for them. We've been outside shooting the airsoft guns every day so far, and Thursday TH and I used the grinder to grind 4 pounds of pork shoulder and almost 4 pounds of chicken thighs. We seasoned it all up and either tomorrow or Tuesday we're going to try to stuff it into sausages! Should be fun, lol. They got me the big stuffed creeper that makes explodey sounds when you squeeze it, and a couple of My Little Ponies. Oh, and a Hello Kitty beanie hat :-)

Other than that not really too much going on. It's pretty much just been work, sleep, home, and hanging out with TH and TK. We did buy a new game on Steam the other day, Garry's Mod, and we've been playing that for the last couple of days. It's a lot of fun! Definitely worth the $2.49 we paid for it! Steam also gave out Left 4 Dead 2 for free on Christmas Day so we downloaded that but I haven't checked it out yet. We watched the 2nd and 3rd Fast and the Furious movies this weekend and today TH found good copies of the new Hobbit movie and...shit I don't remember. Something else that I've been wanting to see. So we'll have to watch those sometime when we have a chance.

So I'm finishing off the last of the candy that I have at work tonight and I'm going back on keto in the morning. I thought about waiting until the first but that's just too cliche, lol. Plus I'm tired of feeling all crappy and I don't want to wait any longer. Next Saturday is my birthday but I'll probably just make a keto-friendly snacky thing or something. I drank all of my alcohol this weekend and I don't think I'm going to buy any more for a while, at least. When I first started keto I didn't drink anything for the first couple of weeks and I did really good. Once I added the drinking back in it kinda crapped out :-/ So I'm gonna go totally hardcore for a while and see what happens. Yay, lol.

TK's buddy came over to spend the night tonight, and TH is home so he gets to deal with them, lol. I know TH stayed up late too so I'm kind of expecting everyone to still be asleep when I get home. I'll probably just go on to bed if they are. My boss said he might be a little late in the morning because he has to drop his son off at the airport before he comes to work. Hopefully it won't be too bad though and I can get out of here before traffic gets bad.

Song: Machinima - 12 Days of Christmas Parody (A Black Ops 2 Machinima). Yeah it's a few days late but I like this one too :-)

Best thing: Christmas was AWESOME!!!!!

Worst thing: Ate and drank way too much crap over the last few weeks :-(

Yep yep yep.

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