Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30

Well, while I was at work last night TK managed to fall and sprain his wrist :-( TH iced it down and gave him some ibuprofen and he went to bed. Today it's a little swollen and it hurts some when he moves it but it seems to be getting better. I've been keeping the ibuprofen and ice going all day and TH stopped on his way home to buy a wrist brace. So hopefully it will be a lot better tomorrow. It sucks too because it's his right (dominant) hand so he can't really play video games or shoot or do much of anything. So he's in pain and bored. Poor little butthead, lol.

My boss ended up only being a few minutes late this morning so I got home pretty close to on time. TK's buddy was asleep on the living room couch so I started to go on to bed but TH woke up. I stayed up with him for a little while and went to bed kinda early. Got up around 4:00 and hung out with TK for a while. We watched the South Park movie because he hadn't seen it yet. I forgot how funny it was! TH got home and he had leftover sausage for dinner but I wasn't hungry so I brought some to work with me. If he gets up before I go to bed in the morning we're going to try to stuff the sausages that we mixed up. Should be interesting! And, tomorrow night is New Year's Eve which is going to suck fucking ass. Sigh. TH has a bottle of wine in the fridge that one of his residents gave him. He said I should bring it to work with me. I'm...actually kinda halfass thinking about it, lol. It would definitely make the night go by easier :-)

Noms for the day: Nothing when I got home. 2 pieces of cheddar jalapeno sausage when I woke up. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee with heavy cream and almond milk on the way to work. 1 net carb. 2 ounces of almonds and 3 ounces of cheese when I got to work. 4 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have either 3 more cheddar jalapeno sausage links, or 3 eggs and 3 sausage patties to make an omelette in a bowl. I haven't decided yet. So, good first day back!

Song: Good Charlotte - Girls & Boys. An older one. Yay for random shuffle!

Best thing: Back on keto!

Worst thing: Poor wounded TK :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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