Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9

Not much going on today. It was really foggy on the way home this morning but I guess it stayed a little warmer than they were expecting because there were no problems with ice anywhere. It's supposed to be really cold by the time I leave work in the morning, something like 26 or 27, so they're calling for another chance for ice and shit. So we'll see what it looks like by then.

Got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and just kinda hung out with TH for a while. We made chorizo and eggs. I like chorizo, but I really shouldn't have ready the ingredients :-/ I didn't eat much of it because I kept thinking about the pieces of the critter it was made from. Kinda gross. Went to bed not too late and I guess TH started really feeling sick because he stayed home from work. Since he was home I slept until about 7:30, got up and made some tuna to bring to work, and now I'm here. Yay.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - a few bites of chorizo and eggs. Iced coffee on the way to work. Lunch at work - tuna and pork rinds. If I get hungry later I have some leftover carne asada stuff.

Song: J. Roddy Walston and the Business - Heavy Bells. Another new one.

Best thing: Good sleep today!

Worst thing: Sick TH :-(


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