Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2

Not much going on today. Got home early this morning and went straight to bed. TH got up with TK. Woke up when TK got home and we played a little Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft. I made ham fajitas (lol), cauliflower rice, and real rice for dinner. The fajitas actually turned out good! I used all but the last few slices of ham, in case TH wants to have that for breakfast in the morning. So basically we ate ham for 4 days. Not bad :-)

It was warmer today, almost 80 I think. Tomorrow and Wednesday are supposed to be warm again and then Wednesday night/Thursday morning there's another front coming in that's supposed to drop the highs down into the 40's. So that will be nice.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. A piece of the jalapeno cheese bread, some pepperoni, and some cheese sticks when I woke up. Dinner - ham fajitas with cauliflower "rice". Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have a little bit of the stirfry stuff from last night left over. Still under 20!

Song: diRTy WoRMz - The Hate (That Hate Made). Random shuffle. Love these guys!

Best thing: Got some good sleep today :-)

Worst thing: We found a bundle of Black Ops and a Black Ops 2 hardened edition on Ebay and bid on it. It ended while I was on my way to work and I guess TH forgot to check it. We were outbid by like $2.00 :-(


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