Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19

Thursday night, finally. This has been a short week but it has felt so freaking long. Dunno why. I got busy last night and didn't have time to write. Not really much going on though so I guess it's not that big of a deal. I'm going up to see my mom when I get off in the morning so that should be fun :-/ We're going to go to Walmart to do some Christmas shopping. Woohoo. I'm pretty much done - I just need to pick up a few stocking stuffers. We didn't really want to spend the money on a tree this year so yesterday we hung up some tinsely shit on the living room walls and we're going to hang the ornaments from that. Should be interesting to see if the cats will let it stay up until Christmas, lol. By this morning Snipe had already torn a few pieces off of the one hanging over the door to the hallway. They are total buttheads :-)

Dunno what else, really. Still feeling kinda crappy and pissed off about everything. Sigh.

Song: Jeff Foxworthy - Redneck 12 Days of Christmas. Cause why not, lol.

Best thing: One of the residents gave us all a box of candy and a gift card to Olive Garden for Christmas! I mean, I don't really know that we would go to Olive Garden, but it was sweet anyway!

Worst thing: Still kinda in a fuck everything mood >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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