Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 24

It's Christmas Eve!!! And holy freaking shit it has been busier than dog shit so far this week. Like, seriously freaking busy. It's a little slower tonight so I finally have a chance to write something. So yay? So let's see...Friday I went to see my mom. We went to Goodwill and Walmart, then got Panda Express for lunch. I stayed and chatted with her for a while, and got home about the time TK got home from school. I had heard that our favorite radio station was doing a remote closeby so I picked him up from the bus stop and we went to check it out and see if we could get a bumper sticker. they didn't have any :-( but we got a couple of coozies :-) Got home and hung out for a while, played some Minecraft, and when TH got home we made nachos for dinner. I was pretty tired so I went to bed kinda early and didn't stay up for a movie. 

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some cleaning and laundry, and played some video games until time for TH to get home. We finished wrapping the rest of the presents, too. I made frozen pizzas and we watched Madagascar. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.
Sunday we got up pretty early, hung out and played some games for a while, then I took a nap before it was time to come to work. Monday I stopped by HEB on my way home to pick up a few things, then when I got home TH was awake so we made breakfast and hung out for a while. I went to bed and got up early enough to play with TK for a while before work. Today I got home and stayed up for just a little while, then went to bed kinda early. Got up and TK and I made some cookies, played some Black Ops 2, and took a quick nap. Now I'm at work.

I'm going to go home in the morning and wake everyone up, and we're going to do Christmas! And drink coffee and eggnog, lol. I can't wait :-) I'm curious to see what they got me, and I know TH is going to love the sausage thingie. I couldn't resist so I wrapped everything seperately. So he has a Transformer dude, the meat grinder, sausage stuffer tubes, and a package of sausage casings. And, I bought some chicken thighs and pork shoulder so if he wants to go ahead and make sausage we have the stuff to do it! For TK we have 2 little Transformer dudes and the airsoft guns and bb's, (which are kinda for everyone, lol). My mom gave me $10 to buy a present from her so I bought a COD Ghosts poster and a Minecraft poster for his room. Oh and we have the 2 board games that the guy here at work gave me. It's gonna be awesome!

So I had the brilliant idea to bring an Xbox to work and hook it to the computer monitor here so TK and I could play at night. The monitor doesn't have an HDMI port though so I found an HDMI to DVI adapter on Amazon and ordered it. It showed up today! Brought everything to work and hooked it up, and it still doesn't work! I think I need to reset the resolution on the Xbox to match the monitor's resolution but I can't see to do that because the monitor won't even display anything. Grrr. I'm going to hook it up at home again and see if I can change the resolution there, then bring it back tomorrow night and see if that makes it work. If not, I think you can buy an HDMI to VGA adapter but by the time I could get one it would be like, fucking Friday. Grrrrr. I'll figure something out, I guess. If not I guess I could bring one of the big laptops and we could play Team Fortress 2? Dunno.

Oh, and some of the residents here at work have been bringing us like, cookies and shit :-) We've gotten a couple of Christmas cards, too. So far I have a $15 Olive Garden gift card, $10 Subway gift card, $10 cash, and like 40-something dollars in Starbucks cards! Someone gave TH a $15 Starbucks card and he gave it to me because he doesn't really go to Starbucks. I stopped by there last night on my way to work and got a Venti gingerbread latte. $5.14!!!!!! I mean, I know I didn't actually pay for it, since it was a gift card, but holy shit, man! Eh, once I go back on keto it should last longer since all I'll really be able to get is plain coffee or Americanos. So that's cool.

Pictures!! Our little ghetto Christmas setup :-)

We didn't get a tree this year, so we built one in Minecraft! We made it the background image on the TV so now we have a tree in the living room, lol.

Christmas lights! And the messy table. Shhh, nobody sees that :-)

Tinsel and ornaments! And more messy stuff...

Tinsel, ornaments, and stockings!

And more :-)

Best thing: People wubs us!

Worst thing: Stupid Xbox not cooperating. I wanna play!! 

Yay Christmas Eve!!

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