Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29

Sunday Monday night, back at work. Still feels weird saying that, lol. Still kinda busy but not as bad as it has been since I guess at least most people are back at work. For a day or two, at least. It's almost freaking New Year's Eve though and that is going to be fucking insane. Sigh. I can handle it. I'm tough. Lol :-P It's nice and cool out tonight. We're supposed to get another cold front through here sometime tomorrow that will seriously drop the temperatures for the next few days. They're talking chances of like, freezing rain and shit. So it could get interesting :-/

So let's see. I was tired when I got home Friday morning and we didn't have to go take care of the kitties so I took a nap. Got up around noon or so and TK and I went by Walgreen's and CVS to look around and HEB for a few little last minute things. Stopped by the liquor store for provisions (lol) and a small bottle of TH's favorite whiskey to put in his stocking. Got home and hung out until TH got home, made the chocolate pies for Saturday, did some cleaning and stuff, hung out with him for a while and had Hot Pockets for dinner, then stayed up for a little bit trying to play with TK but fucking Xbox Live got hacked (again!) so we couldn't. So I gave up and went on to bed.

Saturday TH and I got up super fucking early and hung out for a little bit drinking coffee, then headed up to get my mom. Brought her back and started cooking, then basically just hung out chatting with her. We cooked the ham, some cornbread, stuffing, (homemade) macaroni and cheese, and had the chocolate pies. My mom brought some baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, and "pink stuff". Nom :-) And now we have some serious leftovers, lol. Oh, and we did stockings :-) We ended up taking her home fairly late so we saw a few Christmas lights on the way home. Got home and hung out with TH for a while, watched an episode of Chuck, then TK's buddy came over to spend the night so TH and I went on to bed. All in all it was actually pretty fun!

Sunday we slept kinda late, did some more cleaning and laundry, and basically just hung out. Watched a couple of episodes of Chuck with TH then TK and I stayed up playing for a while. Yay, lol.

Monday we slept late then TK and I tried out the new beta for Halo 5: Guardians! It went live today and runs until January 18th (I think). It was...different, but still pretty much Halo. I think I like :-) Played that until TH got home and then he and TK went to Toys R Us so TK could spend the $20 my mom gave him for Christmas. And I took another nap, lol. Got up around 8:00 and took a shower, hung out with TK for a few minutes, and now I'm at work.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. Once again though I know I should've gone driving but I didn't. Definitely, 100% though, I'm going next week. It's supposed to be cold and rainy all the way through Friday or so, so maybe it will make for good driving. Dunno.

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope nope not even, lol.

Song: alt-J - Every Other Freckle. A new one!

Best thing: Awesome Christmas thingie!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


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