Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23

So let's see. It is now Tuesday night, and my second night back at work. Busier than fucking shit, of course. Last night it didn't even slow down enough to think about writing until after 2:00 and by then I was just like, fuck it, lol. Nice and cool out tonight, too. It's supposed to be cool tomorrow and then even colder tomorrow night so I guess it will at least feel all Christmasy and shit overnight. Yay, lol.

Ok so, Friday morning I stopped by Starbucks on the way home for some coffee. Yay, gift cards! Got home and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties, went by Walmart for a few grocery type things, stopped at Home Depot for a couple of things, then went home and played until TH got home. Hung out with him for a while, made frozen pizzas for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, then went to bed kinda early. TK's buddy came over to spend the night and they stayed up pretty late. I hadn't really planned on driving Friday night but I woke up around 1:00 and decided to go out for a while. I was only out for about an hour and a half and I ended up with one ride. Not horrible, but not great either. Stopped by HEB on my way home and bought a couple of stocking stuffer type things. Got home and hung out for a while (soooo quiet) until TH woke up.

Saturday (lol) I hung out with TH drinking coffee for a while then we went running around a little bit. Went back by Walmart, went and looked at the kitties at a couple of Petsmarts, and went by World Market to see if they had a Christmas version of the kitty cat wine bottles that I've started collecting. Spoiler alert - nope :-( Stopped by Sonic to try their new boneless buffalo wings. They are seriously awesome! Much cheaper than Pizza Hut and everywhere else. Got home and hung out with TK and his buddy for a little bit while TH took a nap, then started on the cleaning. Like, seriously cleaning :-) We got everything in the kitchen cleaned up, including where the other kitties had peed on the blinds, the top of the fridge, and behind the microwave. Oh, and did a couple of loads of laundry. Finished up with that then had leftovers for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night. TH went on to bed kinda early and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.

Sunday I actually woke up earlier than I thought I would, since I had gone to bed so late. I had trouble sleeping for some reason :-/ Got up and hung out with TH for a while then we did some more laundry and cleaning. More seriously serious cleaning :-) The house looks at smells sooooo much better! And now it's going to stay that way! Finished up with the cleaning and decided to go ahead and put up the Christmas decorations. Better late than never, right? We actually hadn't planned on getting a tree or anything but when TK and I stopped by Home Depot Friday we saw that they had little live potted pine trees for like $10 so we went ahead and bought one. We picked up some small decorations for it at Walmart and it's sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. It's so cute! And surprisingly the kitties haven't fucked with it too much. Good babies, lol. Finished up all of that and had leftovers for dinner again, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck, then stayed up for a while playing with TK.

Monday we woke up earlier than we had planned because Fed Ex showed up at like 7:30 with some Transformer dudes that TH had ordered for TK. Did a couple more loads of laundry, played with TK for a while, then TK's buddy came over and I played with them for a little bit. Took a quick nap after TH got home then went to work. And it was fucking annoyingly ass busy. Sigh. And, yeah, that's pretty much it.

Tuesday morning I stopped by Walmart on my way home and picked up the last of the Christmas/ stocking stuffer type stuff and (I think) everything else we need for Christmas dinner. Got home and grabbed the little black kitty, Umbra, to take him back to the vet because he still has a little bit of a...something going on. We took him in last week for an upper respiratory type thing and he seems to be mostly over that. But now one of his eyes is all gooey and gross :-/ The vet is closed Wednesday-Friday for Christmas so I decided to go ahead and take him today just to make sure. Well apparently everyone else had the same fucking idea because I was there for like 2 1/2 fucking hours. Sigh. I love our vet but I do wish they had appointments instead of just doing walk-ins. On the bright side though, if you ever walk in there with an emergency type situation, they'll take you right away. So that works, lol. Finally finished up there and went home, hung out with TK for a while, then his buddy came over and they disappeared to play. I couldn't fall asleep so I had a little (kinda) quiet time. TH got home around 3:30 or so and he and TK went to look for some stocking stuffer type stuff for me and I went to bed. Like, super late :-/ Got up at 8:30 or so and now I'm at work. And of course it's super fucking busy again. Sigh.

Ok so basically Umbra has some type of virus or whatever (kitty cat herpes, basically) that has settled in that eye, making it all gross. So we got some steroid/antibacterial eyedrops to use for 10 days, and some chewable lysine treats (an amino acid that's supposed to help with herpes) so hopefully that will help keep it under control. From what I understand though you never really get rid of herpes, you just kinda control it. So there's always a chance that it will flare back up. Poor little kitty :-( On the bight side though, he doesn't have a fever and he's eating and playing well, so the vet's not really worried about him. Which is always nice to hear :-)

Noms for the weekend: Yeah, no.

Song: BCC Trolling - Black Ops 2: 12 Days of Christmas. I think I posted this last year but it's just too fucking funny XD

Best thing: Cleaned up the house!!

Worst thing: Tired and cramps and fucking busier than shit at work. :-P

Yep yep yep.

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