Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11

Thursday night!! It's busier at work tonight but still not horrible. Nice and cool out without being too cold. It rained off and on last night and was still rainy and foggy when I left this morning. Nothing going on right now though. I think there's only like a 20% chance of rain for tomorrow and Saturday, then higher Sunday. So we'll see.

Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed around 10:00, got up at 5:00, hung out with TH and TK for a while, and made chicken fajitas for dinner. TH went to bed kinda early so I played a little GTA V with TK until time to come to work. And that's pretty much it, lol. Tomorrow we go take care of the kitties and then..dunno what yet. Something though :-)

Noms for the day: MFP. I'm pretty sure I overestimated on the salad a little bit, but figure that's better than underestimating, lol.

Song: Walk The Moon - Shut Up And Dance. A new one :-)

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: The city still hasn't fixed the streetlight in front of our house >:-( It's really fucking dark out there with it off...


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