Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25

Christmas Day. Woohoo. Busier than shit here at work again. But at least it's finally Thursday night!! I swear this has been the longest fucking week ever, And of course next week will be even worse because of fucking New Year's Eve. If I can just survive that I'll be alright. Sigh...

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was awake so we hung out for a while and played a little GTA V. Went to bed way too late and woke up when TH got home at 4:30. He had stopped by 7-11 to pick up a couple of their little pizzas for dinner. They're super cheap and surprisingly good. So that was cool. Ate a couple of pieces of pizza, hung out with TH and TK for a little bit, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. And I am soooooo freaking tired :-/

So tomorrow is Friday and normally we would go take care of the kitties but they all got adopted yesterday so there aren't any at the store! So that's cool, lol. We still need to go by HEB or something and pick up just a couple of things but I'm thinking that if I'm still this tired when I get off in the morning I may just try to get a nap first. Dunno. Because I definitely need a nap at some point so I can try to go drive tomorrow night. Then Saturday we do our little Christmas thing. Should be fun :-)

Noms for the day: Nuh-uh.

Song: The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping. Lol XD

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: Headache and tired :-(


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