Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14

Sunday night, back at work. It's all damp and humid and gross out tonight :-/ It rained a little off and on all afternoon but never really amounted to much. Busier here at work tonight - the college kids are back in town. Sigh. High school is still in until Friday, I think. Then it will get seriously crazy around here. Double sigh...

So let's see. Friday morning I stopped by Randall's to pick up a ham for Christmas because they were on sale. Figure it was cheap and it can just sit in the fridge until then, lol. Got home and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties. Stopped by Walmart first to look at hats and stuff and buy a hoodie for TK. Got to Petsmart and did the whole kitty thing then went by HEB for a few groceries. Got home and put everything up then went back to Petsmart to, um, pick up a couple of kitties. I'll explain later, lol. We were supposed to meet the rescue lady over there but we were early so we went to Target first for some more litter and a new litter box. She was running late so we went ahead and picked up the kitty that was already there and took him home. Hung out there for a while until she called to say she was on her way with the other kitty, TK stayed home to babysit (lol) and I headed back to Petsmart. Again :-D Chatted with the rescue lady for a little bit then grabbed the 2nd kitty and went home. By then TH was already home so we basically just hung out and played with the kitties. Watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for movie night and had Hot Pockets for dinner. I hadn't had a nap yet so I ended up going to bed fairly early.

Saturday I actually woke up pretty freaking early. Got up and cleaned up the kitchen, started some laundry, made banana bread, then hung out with TH and TK for a while. TH and I went running around for a while looking at thrift stores and grabbed some lunch. Got home and played with the kitties and stuff, then stayed up pretty late playing with TK. We had thought about going out to look at Christmas lights and stuff but decided to wait until next weekend.

Sunday I slept until around noon then got up and hung out with TH and TK for a while, made frozen pizzas for lunch, then went back to bed for a while. Got up and took a shower then hung out with TH and TK until it was time to come to work. And that was pretty much it, lol.

Ok so...about the kitties, There was this one little black and white kitty who had been there pretty much since we started volunteering. He was actually there when we brought home Zoe and Jazz! He's about as old as they are so he's kinda lanky and funny looking and not nearly as aww-worthy as the cute little fuzzy kittens in the other cages that everyone wants. And he's so sweet and friendly and he just freaking loves us. So I may have let TK talk me into adopting him. Sigh, lol. So then when I called the rescue lady to tell her we wanted him, she asked if we might also have room for the little black one who used to be in the same cage. She had taken him to the vet last week because he had a scratch on his ear that had gotten infected so he was back at the foster home until it was fully healed. Well, what could I say? :-D So now we have 2 new little kittens. The black and white one is about halfway in between Jazz and Zoe in size and the black one is just a little bigger than Zoe. So far they have adapted just fine. They wubs us :-) The big kitties are not super happy about it, and the babies are a little cautious but I'm pretty sure once the new wears off they'll all be tear-assing around the house together. That's gonna be fun, lol. I think we've decided on the name Umbra or Umbreon for the little black one and Loki or Jinx for the black and white one. We're still debating.

I'm pretty sure though that I need to take the little black one to the vet in the morning because he seems to have the same kind of upper respiratory thing that Zoe had when we brought her home. Apparently it's fairly common with cats who have been in a shelter/foster type environment. I'm kinda thinking about taking Jim Bob too because I think he has had a mild case of it for about a week now. Just to make sure. I don't like sick kitties :-(


Noms for the weekend: FridaySaturday, and Sunday :-/

Song: Linkin Park, Jay-Z - Izzo/ In The End. Random shuffle.

Best thing: KITTIES!!!!!!!

Worst thing: Sick kitties :-(


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