Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16

Tired again tonight. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work. Went to bed around 9:00, woke up at 1:30, and did a few things. Hung out with TH and TK for a while, made nachos with the leftover chicken fajita stuff for dinner, then took another quick nap until time to come to work.

Ok so, I feel like the absolute worst person ever. Today we got rid of 2 of our kitties, Hiccup and Snipe :-( I really didn't want to, but we were tired of them peeing on fucking everything so we pretty much had to. I mean, seriously. We live in a brand new fucking house and it smells like cat pee because they fucking spray everywhere. They also both hate Jim Bob and attack him every chance they get. Jim Bob likes to sleep on my pillows and yesterday Hiccup peed on my pillows. That was the last fucking straw. And it's not just in reaction to us bringing in the new kittens because they've always done it. TH actually threatened to get rid of them after we moved back in to the new house if they started peeing on stuff but I just couldn't let him do it. But today we finally did :-( So now we have Jim Bob and Naga, plus the four new kittens. So there's nobody left who sprays. Now all we need to do is get the house cleaned up and smelling nice, and it will stay that way. I still feel bad about it, though :-/

Noms for the day: MFP. Not horrible.

Song: Six13 - Chanukah (Shake It Off). I likes :-)

Best thing: Not as busy at work tonight as it was last night. Dunno why but I'll take it.

Worst thing: Kitties :-(


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