Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30

Not much going on today. Busy here at work but not as bad as it will be tomorrow, so yay I guess? Cold and damp out, too. The "Arctic Front" they were talking about blew through earlier today so it's supposed to be seriously cold until like, Friday or something. And, they're calling for a chance for some icy type shit over the next couple of days. There was supposed to be a city-sponsored New Year's Eve thingie downtown tomorrow night but they decided to cancel because of the weather. So I guess we'll see what ends up happening, lol.

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I hung out and chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed around 9:00 or so and woke up when he got home a little after 3:00. Hung out with them, made some queso type stuff with some of the leftover ham for dinner, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. Yay.

Noms for the day: Nope.

Song: Nena - 99 Red Balloons. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Found out that they are going to have a couple more days of snow in GTA V! It's supposed to start later tonight and run through New Year's Day :-)

Worst thing: Seriously dreading tomorrow night :-/


Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29

Sunday Monday night, back at work. Still feels weird saying that, lol. Still kinda busy but not as bad as it has been since I guess at least most people are back at work. For a day or two, at least. It's almost freaking New Year's Eve though and that is going to be fucking insane. Sigh. I can handle it. I'm tough. Lol :-P It's nice and cool out tonight. We're supposed to get another cold front through here sometime tomorrow that will seriously drop the temperatures for the next few days. They're talking chances of like, freezing rain and shit. So it could get interesting :-/

So let's see. I was tired when I got home Friday morning and we didn't have to go take care of the kitties so I took a nap. Got up around noon or so and TK and I went by Walgreen's and CVS to look around and HEB for a few little last minute things. Stopped by the liquor store for provisions (lol) and a small bottle of TH's favorite whiskey to put in his stocking. Got home and hung out until TH got home, made the chocolate pies for Saturday, did some cleaning and stuff, hung out with him for a while and had Hot Pockets for dinner, then stayed up for a little bit trying to play with TK but fucking Xbox Live got hacked (again!) so we couldn't. So I gave up and went on to bed.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25

Christmas Day. Woohoo. Busier than shit here at work again. But at least it's finally Thursday night!! I swear this has been the longest fucking week ever, And of course next week will be even worse because of fucking New Year's Eve. If I can just survive that I'll be alright. Sigh...

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was awake so we hung out for a while and played a little GTA V. Went to bed way too late and woke up when TH got home at 4:30. He had stopped by 7-11 to pick up a couple of their little pizzas for dinner. They're super cheap and surprisingly good. So that was cool. Ate a couple of pieces of pizza, hung out with TH and TK for a little bit, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. And I am soooooo freaking tired :-/

So tomorrow is Friday and normally we would go take care of the kitties but they all got adopted yesterday so there aren't any at the store! So that's cool, lol. We still need to go by HEB or something and pick up just a couple of things but I'm thinking that if I'm still this tired when I get off in the morning I may just try to get a nap first. Dunno. Because I definitely need a nap at some point so I can try to go drive tomorrow night. Then Saturday we do our little Christmas thing. Should be fun :-)

Noms for the day: Nuh-uh.

Song: The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping. Lol XD

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: Headache and tired :-(


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 24

Happy freaking Christmas Eve :-P It's cold again tonight and busier than shit at work. Sigh. I am so ready for this whole holiday shit to be over and everything to go back to normal. Today is also my dad's birthday, so there's that. He is (would be? Not really sure) 74, I think. But's that's a long story for another time...

So let's see. Stopped by Walgreen's and HEB really quick on my way home this morning. I was kinda looking for a couple of those little chocolate oranges but no bueno. I did at least get some Hot Pockets for breakfast, lol. We're not doing the whole Christmas thing until Saturday so I can look around at a couple more places before then. Hopefully I can find some to put in the stockings. Got home and TK was asleep so I hung out and talked to TH at work for a while. Went to bed around 10:00 or so and got up at 3:30 to play with TK. Because GTA V has snow for Christmas and I wanted to have a chance to play with it since it's only going to be here for a couple of days :-) TH got home and we made veggie burgers and fries for dinner, I hung out with him for a little bit, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. I'm a little tired but not too bad.

Noms for the day: Nope.

Song: Hazardous Ent. - 12 Days of Christmas Parody (Black Ops 2 Machinima). A different one but still funny :-)

Best thing: One of the residents gave me a $25 Visa gift card!

Worst thing: Busy as shit at work again :-(


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23

So let's see. It is now Tuesday night, and my second night back at work. Busier than fucking shit, of course. Last night it didn't even slow down enough to think about writing until after 2:00 and by then I was just like, fuck it, lol. Nice and cool out tonight, too. It's supposed to be cool tomorrow and then even colder tomorrow night so I guess it will at least feel all Christmasy and shit overnight. Yay, lol.

Ok so, Friday morning I stopped by Starbucks on the way home for some coffee. Yay, gift cards! Got home and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties, went by Walmart for a few grocery type things, stopped at Home Depot for a couple of things, then went home and played until TH got home. Hung out with him for a while, made frozen pizzas for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, then went to bed kinda early. TK's buddy came over to spend the night and they stayed up pretty late. I hadn't really planned on driving Friday night but I woke up around 1:00 and decided to go out for a while. I was only out for about an hour and a half and I ended up with one ride. Not horrible, but not great either. Stopped by HEB on my way home and bought a couple of stocking stuffer type things. Got home and hung out for a while (soooo quiet) until TH woke up.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 18

Thursday night! Busier than shit here at work again. Of course. It's a little cooler out than it has been and it started raining a little bit after I got here. So far it hasn't amounted to much but there's still plenty out there. I think it's only supposed to stick around through noon or so tomorrow. We'll see though.

So I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning to pick up a couple of things. Got home and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed around 10:00 or so and got up at 4:00. Put together chili cheese tater tots for dinner and played a little GTA V with TK. There was a kinda surprise new Christmas update that included a bunch of new stuff so we had fun with that :-) There was also an update for Xbox Minecraft but we didn't have a chance to check it out. Hopefully sometime this weekend. TH got home late and I hung out with him for a little bit then tried to take another quick nap. It...kinda sorta worked. So now I'm at work and I'm still a little tired. But it's ok because it's Thursday :-)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17

Not much going on today. It's busier than shit again here at work though. Sigh. It rained a little bit off and on all afternoon and it's still drizzly and foggy out right now. I think the best chance of rain starts tomorrow night into Friday morning. So that could be fun.

Got home this morning and TK was awake so I hung out with him playing COD. Went to bed later than I should have and got up around 8:00. Hung out with TH and TK and played with the kitties until time to come to work. TH had cooked burgers so I brought one to work with me for dinner. Yay, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. Eh.

Song: Saint Motel - My Type. A new one :-)

Best thing: So, starting next week I'm only going to be working 4 nights a week at the security job and be off Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. That means that even if I wanted to go drive 2 nights a week, I can still have one night totally off. It's gonna be awesome :-)

Worst thing: Busier than shit at work :-(


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16

Tired again tonight. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work. Went to bed around 9:00, woke up at 1:30, and did a few things. Hung out with TH and TK for a while, made nachos with the leftover chicken fajita stuff for dinner, then took another quick nap until time to come to work.

Ok so, I feel like the absolute worst person ever. Today we got rid of 2 of our kitties, Hiccup and Snipe :-( I really didn't want to, but we were tired of them peeing on fucking everything so we pretty much had to. I mean, seriously. We live in a brand new fucking house and it smells like cat pee because they fucking spray everywhere. They also both hate Jim Bob and attack him every chance they get. Jim Bob likes to sleep on my pillows and yesterday Hiccup peed on my pillows. That was the last fucking straw. And it's not just in reaction to us bringing in the new kittens because they've always done it. TH actually threatened to get rid of them after we moved back in to the new house if they started peeing on stuff but I just couldn't let him do it. But today we finally did :-( So now we have Jim Bob and Naga, plus the four new kittens. So there's nobody left who sprays. Now all we need to do is get the house cleaned up and smelling nice, and it will stay that way. I still feel bad about it, though :-/

Noms for the day: MFP. Not horrible.

Song: Six13 - Chanukah (Shake It Off). I likes :-)

Best thing: Not as busy at work tonight as it was last night. Dunno why but I'll take it.

Worst thing: Kitties :-(


Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15

Holy crap I am tired tonight. I stayed up wayyy later than I should have today :-/ It's busy here at work again, which is just freaking lovely. It's cooler out too but the humidity is gone so it feels nice. I think it's supposed to be nice again tomorrow and then there's a pretty good chance for rain the next couple of days. At least if it rains and I decide to go driving I don't have to worry about washing my car, lol.

Got home this morning and TK was awake so I hung out with him for a little while then took Jim Bob and Umbra to the vet. They seemed to think Jim Bob was fine, so if he had a cold or something at some point he was pretty much over it already. Yay! Umbra, however, does have some kind of upper respiratory thing. They didn't seem to think it was very serious though because he's not running a fever and his appetite and activity level are good. Lol, no kidding :-D They went ahead and gave him a shot of antibiotics just to make sure it doesn't develop into something more serious though. So that was good. Finished up there and stopped by HEB because Hot Pockets, lol. Got home and ate lunch and just kinda hung out for a while until I was tired enough to go to sleep. Woke up around 8:00 or so, took a shower, and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. Oh, and at one point today I had Jazz, Umbra, Zoe, and Hiccup all sleeping with me :-)

Noms for the day: MFP. Yeah, I know.

Song: Green Day - When I Come Around. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: No seriously sick kitties!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14

Sunday night, back at work. It's all damp and humid and gross out tonight :-/ It rained a little off and on all afternoon but never really amounted to much. Busier here at work tonight - the college kids are back in town. Sigh. High school is still in until Friday, I think. Then it will get seriously crazy around here. Double sigh...

So let's see. Friday morning I stopped by Randall's to pick up a ham for Christmas because they were on sale. Figure it was cheap and it can just sit in the fridge until then, lol. Got home and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties. Stopped by Walmart first to look at hats and stuff and buy a hoodie for TK. Got to Petsmart and did the whole kitty thing then went by HEB for a few groceries. Got home and put everything up then went back to Petsmart to, um, pick up a couple of kitties. I'll explain later, lol. We were supposed to meet the rescue lady over there but we were early so we went to Target first for some more litter and a new litter box. She was running late so we went ahead and picked up the kitty that was already there and took him home. Hung out there for a while until she called to say she was on her way with the other kitty, TK stayed home to babysit (lol) and I headed back to Petsmart. Again :-D Chatted with the rescue lady for a little bit then grabbed the 2nd kitty and went home. By then TH was already home so we basically just hung out and played with the kitties. Watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for movie night and had Hot Pockets for dinner. I hadn't had a nap yet so I ended up going to bed fairly early.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11

Thursday night!! It's busier at work tonight but still not horrible. Nice and cool out without being too cold. It rained off and on last night and was still rainy and foggy when I left this morning. Nothing going on right now though. I think there's only like a 20% chance of rain for tomorrow and Saturday, then higher Sunday. So we'll see.

Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed around 10:00, got up at 5:00, hung out with TH and TK for a while, and made chicken fajitas for dinner. TH went to bed kinda early so I played a little GTA V with TK until time to come to work. And that's pretty much it, lol. Tomorrow we go take care of the kitties and then..dunno what yet. Something though :-)

Noms for the day: MFP. I'm pretty sure I overestimated on the salad a little bit, but figure that's better than underestimating, lol.

Song: Walk The Moon - Shut Up And Dance. A new one :-)

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: The city still hasn't fixed the streetlight in front of our house >:-( It's really fucking dark out there with it off...


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10

Wednesday night, yay. Almost done for the week :-)  It's a little busier tonight but still not too bad. It rained off and on all afternoon but nothing serious. I think it's supposed to get heavier starting tomorrow though. Dunno, lol.

So today was nice and boring again, lol. Got home this morning and TK was awake again so I stayed up and played with him. Went to bed around 11:00 or so, got up around 5:00, hung out with TH and TK for a while, then decided I was still tired so I took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. TH and TK made a burger for dinner and I just brought a salad to work with me.

Noms for the day: MFP. So I kinda got off to a rough start this morning but I kept it together! Yay :-)

Song: Childish Gambino - 3005. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Ended up getting decent sleep, so that was nice.

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9

Not much going on again today. TK was actually awake when I got home this morning so I ended up staying up later than I should have playing with him. Went to bed around 11:00 or so, got up at 6:00. took a shower, made wings and fries for dinner, watched an episode of Chuck with TH, and now I'm at work. It's actually a little cooler out tonight but not quite as damp, so that's nice. It ended up getting super foggy before I got off work this morning so I got to drive home in that shit. Not fun :-/

Noms for the day: MFP. Yeah yeah yeah, I know...

Song: The White Stripes - Blue Orchid. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: I had been having a lot of trouble with the fingerprint recognition on my phone. I took it out of the case to clean it and peeled the little plastic cover off of the fingerprint reader and now it works great! Yay, lol.

Worst thing: Kinda tired.


Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8

So I met the other new guy at work tonight. He seems nice enough, Kinda dorky, which works for me, lol It's a little cooler out tonight and still kinda damp. There's supposed to be a better chance of rain as the week goes on so we'll see what ends up happening. Work is a little busier but still not too bad yet. So, yeah.

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while. Threw some chicken thighs in the crockpot then went to bed around 9:00 or so. Got up at 6:00, hung out with TH for a little bit, played some GTA V with TK, took a shower, and now I'm at work. TH was feeling kinda crappy so he went on to bed early. I added some of the chicken to a salad to bring to work but everyone else pretty much just scrounged for dinner.

Noms for the day: MFP. Yay! And too, I may only end up eating half of the salad so that cuts it down a little bit more :-) Still need to figure out how to get more protein though...

Song: Warren G, Nate Dogg - Regulate. Random shuffle.

Best thing: One of the residents here at work stopped by tonight and told me that I'm the sweetest person here. They wubs me :-)

Worst thing: The streetlight in front of our house went out last night so it's super freaking dark out there. I'm worried about the kitties because I know their stupid little butts like to play in the street :-/ We reported it this morning though so hopefully it will be fixed pretty soon.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 7

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. So far it's been fairly slow but I've already seen a couple of kids home from college so I'm thinking it won't last too much longer. Sigh. It's nice and cool out tonight. A little damp but not too bad. All in all everything's pretty much just the usual here at work.

So let's see. Friday morning I got off work and went by TH's work to pick up TK. I stopped on the way there and bought breakfast for all of us. Whataburger, nom :-) We headed up to see my mom but got distracted when we drove past the rock quarry and had to stop to watch the big dump trucks for a little while :-) Finally got there around 7:30 or so and hung out with her until almost 3:00. It was actually kind of nice! Traffic on the way home though sucked fucking ass. On our way home we stopped by Walmart to look around. I bought a hoodie and we found a couple of Transformers baseball caps with a fabric mask that flips down from the inside. We bought one Autobot and one Decepticon. They are so freaking cute :-) Stopped by Randall's once we finally got down close to our house for frozen pizzas for dinner. We also got some wings because they sounded good but we haven't cooked them yet. Maybe tomorrow though. Finally got home and hung out with TH for a while, cooked the pizzas, and watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night. TH went on to bed and I should have been super tired but I wasn't so TK and I stayed up late playing.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4

Thursday night! Kinda tired tonight but not too bad. Not too terribly busy at work for a Thursday but it's wet and foggy and gross out so maybe that's why. It's kinda been like this off and on all day but I think it's supposed to clear up sometime tomorrow. Of course then it's going to be almost 80 again, so that's going to suck. I'm ready for it to get cool and stay cool!

So TK was asleep when I got home this morning but I woke him up and we went to take care of the kitties. Almost everyone there was new. Sooooo many cute little kittens!! There was one older kitty who had been there almost a month who finally got adopted! So that was cool :-) Finished up there and thought about going by Sam's but it was too early since they don't open until 10:00. So we just stopped by HEB for a few things. Got home and played a little GTA V, went to bed around 1:30 or so, and woke up at 7:00. Took a shower then hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. We still had leftovers so I didn't worry about cooking again.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3

Wednesday night. Almost there, lol. Not really much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was awake so we played a little GTA V then went to bed. Got up a little after TH got home and hung out with him for a while, had leftover fajita stuff for dinner, watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and now I'm at work.  It's still kinda damp and humid out but a little warmer than last night. I think there's like a 50% chance of rain for tonight and tomorrow. It's busier tonight, too :-P

So since we're planning on going to see my Mom Friday morning (yay, lol) we got someone to cover for us with the kitties and we're going to go do it in the morning instead. Probably while we're out we'll go ahead and swing by HEB for whatever we need for the weekend. And then sleeeeep, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. And that took care of the last of the pie, so yay!

Song: Little Big Town - Boondocks. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Found out that we do have someone to cover the other guy's days off, so no working overtime for me :-)

Worst thing: Found out that we do have someone to cover the other guy's days off, so no working overtime for me :-(



December 2

Tuesday night, yay. It was warmer today than it was yesterday but still a little cool tonight. It's been drizzling off and on since I got to work but so far nothing serious. Still fairly quiet too, which is nice. The new guy here at work is taking off for a week starting this Friday and we still don't know who is covering for him. He only works afternoons so if I end up working some of it I'll be coming in at 6 pm instead of 10 and working 12 hour shifts. The overtime would be nice but I really don't want to do it :-/ I like my nice (relatively) quiet nights...

So let's see. TK was asleep when I got home this morning so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed. Got up around 2:00 and TK and I went to feed the ducks. I like the ducks :-) Went by Walgreen's on the way home for some milk and stopped to get gas. Got home and played a little GTA V until TH got home. He had gone to take his Biology test after work so he was late getting home. Made turkey fajitas, beans, and rice for dinner, hung out with TH and TK for a while, then took a quick nap until time to come to work.

Noms for the day: MFP. Not bad, if I do say so myself :-)

Song: Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Ducks!!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1

First day of December already. Wow. Well, they weren't kidding - it got freaking cold today! Still cold and windy out tonight but luckily it's not very busy at work so I can kinda hide out inside, lol. Supposed to be almost 80 again by the weekend though. Kinda fucked up...

Not really much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was awake so I hung out with him for a little bit then we both went to bed. Got up kinda early and played a little Minecraft, hung out with TH when he got home, then took another quick nap. We still had leftovers for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. I think after tonight though we're down to just leftover turkey so I might try to make something with it tomorrow night. Lol, turkey fajitas, perhaps :-)

Noms for the day: I drank all but one beer and I think I'm just going to leave it sitting there and not buy any more for a while. So hopefully starting tomorrow I'll be back on track.

Song: Bastille - Flaws. Another new one!

Best thing: Talked to my mom today. She went and had another scan to check where they had removed that mass from her bladder. So far everything is still looking good!!

Worst thing: That broken tooth has started hurting off and on :-(
