Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31

It's the last day of the freaking year! Holy crap!! And oh my lord is it busy at work. I swear if I hear "Happy New Year!!" one more fucking time I'm going to drag somebody out of their car and stomp the ever-loving snot out of them. Ahem. Anyway... :-)

So I got home this morning and everyone was still asleep so I played a little Black Ops 2 online. TH got up and we made some eggs and fried up some of our pork sausage stuff for breakfast. It got kinda late so we decided to wait until tomorrow to stuff the sausages. TH mixed together the pork and chicken stuff and added a few more spices and a little beer for flavor. So now we have about 5 1/2 pounds of meat to make into sausages! I went to bed around 11 but didn't sleep very well. Got up around 3:00 and TK and I watched the new Thor movie. I took another quick nap at about 6:30. So I'm a little tired tonight but surprisingly not as bad as I expected.

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30

Well, while I was at work last night TK managed to fall and sprain his wrist :-( TH iced it down and gave him some ibuprofen and he went to bed. Today it's a little swollen and it hurts some when he moves it but it seems to be getting better. I've been keeping the ibuprofen and ice going all day and TH stopped on his way home to buy a wrist brace. So hopefully it will be a lot better tomorrow. It sucks too because it's his right (dominant) hand so he can't really play video games or shoot or do much of anything. So he's in pain and bored. Poor little butthead, lol.

My boss ended up only being a few minutes late this morning so I got home pretty close to on time. TK's buddy was asleep on the living room couch so I started to go on to bed but TH woke up. I stayed up with him for a little while and went to bed kinda early. Got up around 4:00 and hung out with TK for a while. We watched the South Park movie because he hadn't seen it yet. I forgot how funny it was! TH got home and he had leftover sausage for dinner but I wasn't hungry so I brought some to work with me. If he gets up before I go to bed in the morning we're going to try to stuff the sausages that we mixed up. Should be interesting! And, tomorrow night is New Year's Eve which is going to suck fucking ass. Sigh. TH has a bottle of wine in the fridge that one of his residents gave him. He said I should bring it to work with me. I'm...actually kinda halfass thinking about it, lol. It would definitely make the night go by easier :-)

Noms for the day: Nothing when I got home. 2 pieces of cheddar jalapeno sausage when I woke up. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee with heavy cream and almond milk on the way to work. 1 net carb. 2 ounces of almonds and 3 ounces of cheese when I got to work. 4 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have either 3 more cheddar jalapeno sausage links, or 3 eggs and 3 sausage patties to make an omelette in a bowl. I haven't decided yet. So, good first day back!

Song: Good Charlotte - Girls & Boys. An older one. Yay for random shuffle!

Best thing: Back on keto!

Worst thing: Poor wounded TK :-(

Okey dokeys then.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29

So, I kinda slacked off a little bit. Okay, a lot. It has been so freaking busy at work lately, plus I managed to get the Xbox working so I have been playing with TK every night. So I haven't written in a few days. Oh well, lol.

Let's see...Christmas was awesome! TH and TK loved the stuff I got for them. We've been outside shooting the airsoft guns every day so far, and Thursday TH and I used the grinder to grind 4 pounds of pork shoulder and almost 4 pounds of chicken thighs. We seasoned it all up and either tomorrow or Tuesday we're going to try to stuff it into sausages! Should be fun, lol. They got me the big stuffed creeper that makes explodey sounds when you squeeze it, and a couple of My Little Ponies. Oh, and a Hello Kitty beanie hat :-)

Other than that not really too much going on. It's pretty much just been work, sleep, home, and hanging out with TH and TK. We did buy a new game on Steam the other day, Garry's Mod, and we've been playing that for the last couple of days. It's a lot of fun! Definitely worth the $2.49 we paid for it! Steam also gave out Left 4 Dead 2 for free on Christmas Day so we downloaded that but I haven't checked it out yet. We watched the 2nd and 3rd Fast and the Furious movies this weekend and today TH found good copies of the new Hobbit movie and...shit I don't remember. Something else that I've been wanting to see. So we'll have to watch those sometime when we have a chance.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 24

It's Christmas Eve!!! And holy freaking shit it has been busier than dog shit so far this week. Like, seriously freaking busy. It's a little slower tonight so I finally have a chance to write something. So yay? So let's see...Friday I went to see my mom. We went to Goodwill and Walmart, then got Panda Express for lunch. I stayed and chatted with her for a while, and got home about the time TK got home from school. I had heard that our favorite radio station was doing a remote closeby so I picked him up from the bus stop and we went to check it out and see if we could get a bumper sticker. they didn't have any :-( but we got a couple of coozies :-) Got home and hung out for a while, played some Minecraft, and when TH got home we made nachos for dinner. I was pretty tired so I went to bed kinda early and didn't stay up for a movie. 

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some cleaning and laundry, and played some video games until time for TH to get home. We finished wrapping the rest of the presents, too. I made frozen pizzas and we watched Madagascar. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19

Thursday night, finally. This has been a short week but it has felt so freaking long. Dunno why. I got busy last night and didn't have time to write. Not really much going on though so I guess it's not that big of a deal. I'm going up to see my mom when I get off in the morning so that should be fun :-/ We're going to go to Walmart to do some Christmas shopping. Woohoo. I'm pretty much done - I just need to pick up a few stocking stuffers. We didn't really want to spend the money on a tree this year so yesterday we hung up some tinsely shit on the living room walls and we're going to hang the ornaments from that. Should be interesting to see if the cats will let it stay up until Christmas, lol. By this morning Snipe had already torn a few pieces off of the one hanging over the door to the hallway. They are total buttheads :-)

Dunno what else, really. Still feeling kinda crappy and pissed off about everything. Sigh.

Song: Jeff Foxworthy - Redneck 12 Days of Christmas. Cause why not, lol.

Best thing: One of the residents gave us all a box of candy and a gift card to Olive Garden for Christmas! I mean, I don't really know that we would go to Olive Garden, but it was sweet anyway!

Worst thing: Still kinda in a fuck everything mood >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17

Not much going on today. Got home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a little while, and went to bed. Got up a little bit after TK got home and played some Minecraft with him. And now I'm at work. Yep.

Song: Lhugueny - Ghosts The Musical. Parody video for Call of Duty Ghosts.

Best thing: Somebody gave TH a Starbucks gift card and he gave it to me. COFFEE!!!!!

Worst thing: Still feeling all crappy and shit.


Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16

Well, shit. Just...shit. It's Monday night and I'm back at work, but at least it's a short week. It was super fucking busy Friday night so I didn't even have time to think about writing. Plus now they're wanting us to count how many people come in every hour, and break it down further by how many residents, guests, and everything else...it's just all fucking bullshit so I've been in a really bad mood. This all has something to do with the raise that we asked for. Basically they're trying to show that the night shift isn't busy enough to deserve a raise. And I kinda think that they're considering eventually getting rid of the night shift all together. You know what? Fuck em. I think I've pretty much decided that if I can get the transfer over to patrol, I'm gonna take it. Just...fuck these guys.

Annnnnnd, I fucked around and went off keto Friday night, and I'm still not back on. So I'm feeling super shitty because of that. So basically just fuck everything right now.

Song: Dope - Burn. How about a nice angry one tonight?

Best thing: The guy here at work brought me a couple of board games that his roommates got for their kid and ended up not needing. He thought maybe TK would enjoy them :-)

Worst thing: All of it, right now >:-(


Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12

Thursday night. So just tonight and tomorrow night and I am off for 2 days! Then next week is a short week, so that will be cool. I talked to my mom earlier today and she wants me to come see her next Friday so we can go Christmas shopping. I'm like, I really don't have any Christmas shopping to do! I think I'm going to go ahead and do it though, because that's TK's last day of school before Christmas and if I wait until after he gets off I'll be stuck having to spend the night. So maybe it won't be too bad.

Stopped by Randall's on the way home this morning and picked up one of the spiral sliced hams that they had on sale for $1.49/lb. That's half price! Dunno when we might cook it but I stuck it in the freezer for whenever, lol. Got home and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with TH. Hung out for a little while then went to bed. I slept until about 8:00 so I'm really not very tired tonight. I'm going to try to go to bed kinda early tomorrow so I can get up and play with TK when he gets home from school. I got an email that the sausage stuffer attachment is at Home Depot now so I may go by in the morning and pick it up. And, the package from Walmart (the airsoft guns and targets) should be delivered tomorrow afternoon. So I can finish getting everything wrapped, and I'm pretty much done!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 6 little sausages, 2 eggs, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee and 2 ounces of almonds on the way to work. I brought leftover sausages and eggs to work, and if I get hungry later I still have the burger patties from last night.

Song: The Ready Set - Love Like Woe. Random shuffle.

Best thing: The guys at the clubhouse invited us to their employee Christmas party next week! I mean, I don't think I'm gonna go, but it was nice of them anyway :-)

Worst thing: The scale hasn't moved in almost 2 weeks :-/ Dunno if I'm doing something wrong, or what. It's getting a little frustrating >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11

Halfway through the week! It's going to be weird coming to work Friday night and staying home Sunday night. There's supposed to be a big party at the clubhouse Friday night but I'm thinking that most people should be there already by the time I get here. Dunno. I think there's a like a 70% chance of rain, too, so that should be fun.

I was kinda tired when I got home this morning so I didn't stay up very late. Got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and just kinda hung out for a while. I got up around 7:00 and TH had made burgers for dinner. So that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - cheese and pepperoni. Lunch before work - 2 burger patties, shredded cheese, and a chicken leg. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a couple more burger patties, or I still have the carne asada stuff. I should probably go ahead and eat that, lol.

Song: Halo Reach OST - New Alexandria Suite. The music from the Halo Reach level New Alexandria.

Best thing: A little nice quiet time this morning!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda :-/


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10

Tuesday night. After tonight I'm halfway done with the week. Yay :-/ Still cold tonight but not quite as cold as it has been. There were no major ice problems on the way home this morning, but I did run across a few puddles that had frozen over on the roads. So that was kinda exciting. The other guy at work texted me earlier to see if I wanted a little overtime next week. He's supposed to work til 10:00 next Wednesday but he wants to leave at 7:00. So I would come in 3 hours early. If the boss approves it, I figure why not? A little extra cash never hurt. Oh, and TH is working for someone at his site tomorrow, so even though he missed Monday he'll actually end up with 41 hours this week instead of 37 1/2. So that's cool.

Got home this morning and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for just a little while, then went to bed. TK's buddy came home with him but he was only going to stay for a while so I got up and wrapped a couple of TK's Christmas presents. We had already bought him 2 little Transformer dudes, and the box of bb's from Amazon showed up today. He found it on the porch when he got home and brought it inside. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's a Lego set, lol. His buddy left and we played a little Black Ops 2 until TH got home, then had leftover carne asada stuff for dinner. I'm thinking maybe make hamburgers or something tomorrow. Dunno. Since TH is filling in on the early shift he'll be home before TK gets home. So I think I'm going to get TK off to school in the morning and then play some video games BY MY FREAKING SELF!!!! :-)

Saw my old patrol guy buddy last night. He says they have a guy quitting at the end of December, so if I still want to transfer over it's pretty much mine if I want it. I just have to decide!! It would pay at least $1 more per hour, plus there's plenty of opportunity for overtime. Theoretically they are "working on" a raise for us here, but I'm not holding my fucking breath. I've already been here 5 years with out a raise >:-( And it would be something different! But...it would be something different! I'm not great with change :-/

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Snack when I got up - a chicken leg. Lunch at home - leftover carne asada stuff. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have some carne asada stuff here at work, or I have some pumpkin/cream cheese...stuff that I made tonight. It's pretty tasty!

Song: The Toadies - Possum Kingdom. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Box full of bbs!!! Literally. Like, 20,000 of them :-)

Worst thing: They brought us a nice new(ish) chair here at work. But they threw away the little ratty one that I liked :-(


Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9

Not much going on today. It was really foggy on the way home this morning but I guess it stayed a little warmer than they were expecting because there were no problems with ice anywhere. It's supposed to be really cold by the time I leave work in the morning, something like 26 or 27, so they're calling for another chance for ice and shit. So we'll see what it looks like by then.

Got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and just kinda hung out with TH for a while. We made chorizo and eggs. I like chorizo, but I really shouldn't have ready the ingredients :-/ I didn't eat much of it because I kept thinking about the pieces of the critter it was made from. Kinda gross. Went to bed not too late and I guess TH started really feeling sick because he stayed home from work. Since he was home I slept until about 7:30, got up and made some tuna to bring to work, and now I'm here. Yay.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - a few bites of chorizo and eggs. Iced coffee on the way to work. Lunch at work - tuna and pork rinds. If I get hungry later I have some leftover carne asada stuff.

Song: J. Roddy Walston and the Business - Heavy Bells. Another new one.

Best thing: Good sleep today!

Worst thing: Sick TH :-(


Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8

Sunday night, again. And, it's the beginning of a long freaking week because I agreed to work Friday night for the other guy here at work. So I'll be off Saturday and Sunday instead. At least that makes next week a short week? Dunno. Hopefully it won't be horribly busy or anything. It's still cold out tonight, but not quite as cold as it has been the last few days. In the morning the news stations are talking about what they called "freezing fog". Apparently it's fog that freezes on contact. Who knew? So there's a chance that there might be a little ice on the roads. I guess we'll see.

So Friday morning it was super cold and it had kinda rained and drizzled all night. I parked up under the overhang here at work but it managed to blow under enough that my car was iced over when I got ready to leave. Fun. There were a few reports of ice on the roads so all of the schools called for a 2 hour delay. I decided to go ahead and stop by HEB on my way home since everyone would be sleeping late. I got home and everyone was awake, so I played a little Ghosts with TK until he had to leave for school. Hung out with TH for a little while and then took a nap. I had ordered something online from Target to be picked up in-store, so I picked TK up from school and we headed over there. We also went by Dollar Tree and bought some wrapping paper. Got home and watched a few episodes of South Park while I made pizzas. TH got home and we watched Red 2. It was as good as the first one :-) TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing Black Ops 2. On 2 XBoxes!!! And it was AWESOME!! We got our second copy Friday afternoon :-)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5

Finally Thursday night!! And yeah, it got cold. It blew through here about 4:00 this morning and by the time I got home it was already down to about 40. I got home and got TK off to school then just kinda hung out with TH for a while. I didn't really feel like going to Sam's and TH didn't feel like getting out early so he just waited and went later after I went to bed. So that worked. I went to bed kinda late but slept pretty good and got up around 6:00. I played a little Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft with TK until it was time to come to work.

I'm planning on dropping TK off at school in the morning and going by HEB for a couple of things. Still need to pick up my medicine from Walgreen's, too. That is, of course, if the world doesn't ice over in the morning like they're kind of expecting, and they don't cancel school. And if my boss can get here in the morning so I can leave :-/ On one hand it would be kinda cool if everything iced over and they cancelled school, but I really don't want to be stuck here all day tomorrow. There's an even better chance for ice this weekend, which sucks because TH works 7 am-7 pm Saturday and Sunday. So hopefully it will just stay cold, and that's it. No ice!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - cheese, pepperoni, and peanuts. Dinner at home - hot dog in a bowl. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later, I stopped by Wendy's on the way here and bought 3 Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers. I'll take the buns off of them and have burger guts :-)

Song: Limp Bizkit - Rollin'. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Ordered a set of airsoft guns this morning for TK's Christmas present! This is gonna be fun!!

Worst thing: The big boss wants us to start counting the cars that come through here at work on the overnight shift. He wants to "see how busy it is". Presumably this has something to do with the raises we asked for. I have a bad feeling that I'm gonna get fucked on this raise if he decides that 3rd shift doesn't need any more money >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4

Not much going on again today. Right now it looks like the wind shift and the cold front is going to move through just before I leave work in the morning. So that should be fun to drive in, lol. It's all humid and foggy and kinda gross out right now. I think when I get home in the morning TH and I are going to drop TK off at school and go by Sam's for a couple of things. I need to go by Walgreen's and pick up my medicine, too. So there's that.

Got home this morning and got TK off to school then made some breakfast and hung out with TH for a while. We started watching Kick Ass again but I got tired and went to bed halfway through. Got up around 6:00 and TK had gotten his package from Mega Bloks. I don't remember if I mentioned it yet or not, but basically ever since he lost his whole Halo Mega Bloks collection when the house burned down he has been trying to replace any of the stuff that he can. So he contacted them to see if it would be possible to buy replacement figures and stuff for some of the older sets that you can't find in the stores anymore. They said unfortunately, no, but wanted to send him a little something anyway. Well, that "little something" ended up being 3 whole sets! Totally fucking cool :-) I took some pictures but I don't wanna mess with them right now :-P I'll try and post them tomorrow. So we opened them up and messed around with them until it was time for me to come to work. TH made sausages for dinner, and before I went to bed I had mixed up some cauliflower "potato" salad so we had that too. It was good!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Dinner at home - 3 sausage links, cauliflower "potato" salad. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have a container of ham fajitas and cauliflower "rice".

Song: Good Charlotte, M. Shadows, Synester Gates - The River. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Awesome customer service from Mega Bloks!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3

Quiet again today. Although, I did get to work tonight and one of the gates is broken. Again. It's always something, lol. Got home this morning and got TK off to school, then hung out with TH for a little while and went to bed. Got up a little after TK got home and just kinda hung out with him until TH got home. I watched him play the Ghosts campaign on the highest difficulty. It was entertaining, to say the least. I didn't cook anything for dinner so we just had leftovers.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - nothing. Lunch before I left for work - jalapeno cheese bread. Iced coffee on the way to work. When I get hungry later I have leftover ham fajitas and cauliflower rice.

Song: The Airborne Toxic Event - Hell and Back. Heard this on the radio earlier and thought it sounded familiar. It's from the movie The Dallas Buyer's Club, apparently.

Best thing: Scored another copy of Black Ops 2 on Ebay for $16.50, with free shipping. They're still going for $30 used at Gamestop :-)

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2

Not much going on today. Got home early this morning and went straight to bed. TH got up with TK. Woke up when TK got home and we played a little Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft. I made ham fajitas (lol), cauliflower rice, and real rice for dinner. The fajitas actually turned out good! I used all but the last few slices of ham, in case TH wants to have that for breakfast in the morning. So basically we ate ham for 4 days. Not bad :-)

It was warmer today, almost 80 I think. Tomorrow and Wednesday are supposed to be warm again and then Wednesday night/Thursday morning there's another front coming in that's supposed to drop the highs down into the 40's. So that will be nice.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. A piece of the jalapeno cheese bread, some pepperoni, and some cheese sticks when I woke up. Dinner - ham fajitas with cauliflower "rice". Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have a little bit of the stirfry stuff from last night left over. Still under 20!

Song: diRTy WoRMz - The Hate (That Hate Made). Random shuffle. Love these guys!

Best thing: Got some good sleep today :-)

Worst thing: We found a bundle of Black Ops and a Black Ops 2 hardened edition on Ebay and bid on it. It ended while I was on my way to work and I guess TH forgot to check it. We were outbid by like $2.00 :-(


Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1

It's the first day of December! Wow. Seems too early, somehow. It didn't help that it was like 75 today, and it's supposed to be right around 80 until Wednesday. Kinda doesn't feel like winter when it's this warm. At least now that Thanksgiving is over everything at work has settled down, for now. I like it much better when it's nice and quiet and not crazy busy!

So it was kind of a quiet weekend. Everyone was still asleep when I got home Friday so I pretty much went straight to bed. TH woke me up while he was getting ready to go to work so I had a really good nap. When he went out to leave, his car wouldn't start so he took mine. TK and I hung out and played video games while he was gone. TH came home with a set of jumper cables that he borrowed from someone and we jumped his car. He took off to drive it around for a little bit to give the battery a chance to recharge. They had frozen pizza for dinner and I had wings. We couldn't really think of anything new to watch so we watched The Fast and the Furious again. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up kinda late playing Minecraft.