Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4

Sunday night, back at work. Not really much going on, either. We pretty much just hung out at home this weekend. Friday I went home and went straight to bed, got up when TK got home, had leftovers for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Lost for movie night, and went to bed kinda early. Saturday we slept a little late, did some laundry and cleaning, played Black Ops 2 and Minecraft for a while, made pizza for dinner, and watched a few more episodes of Lost for movie night. Sunday we basically just hung out all day. Played a little Lego Batman, watched a few episodes of Pokemon and Star Wars The Clone Wars, and had leftovers for dinner again. I tried to take a nap but couldn't fall asleep so I'm kinda tired tonight.

I also had a couple of days last week where I ate some chips and cookies and drank some non-keto friendly alcohol. So I kinda felt like crap after that. I'm back on the wagon again though. Yay, lol.

Noms: Eh.

Song - Ludacris, Rick Ross, Bun B - Down In Tha Dirty. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Saw my neighbor buddy as I was leaving for work tonight. We kinda made plans to get together later this week :-)

Worst thing: Stupid carby stuff >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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