Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 8

Thursday night!! And for some reason it has been busier than shit here at work, so yeah...that's awesome :-/
Not really much going on today though. It rained just a little bit this morning on my way home and a little bit more later this afternoon, but we didn't get any of the storms that they were calling for. So that's good, lol. So, I was tired when I got home this morning so I woke TH up and went on to bed. My neighbor buddy ended up having to go do stuff so she never called me to come over and hang out :-( I did sleep really well though so I guess that was good, lol. I woke up around 3:30 and TH had gone to pick up TK from the bus stop. They went to Walmart and Toys R Us to look at stuff so I just hung out by myself for a while. They got home and we watched a couple of episodes of Lost before I had to come to work. They had stopped by Taco Bell for dinner so on my way to work I stopped by McDonald's. I had a buy one, get one free burger coupon so I bought a couple of Habanero Ranch burgers. Nom :-)

Tomorrow...I dunno. I should probably stop somewhere on my way home and get some apples for TK's lunch but I haven't decided if I'm going to or not yet. TH went by Sam's today for a couple of things that we needed and we still need a few things from HEB but I'm thinking that if TK and I get out and do stuff Saturday we'll probably do that then. My neighbor buddy said she should be free tomorrow afternoon so she might come over for a while then. Yay :-) Other than that it's just the awesomeness of not going to work!!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Leftover broccoli with cheese when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have a couple of (bunless) McDonald's hamburgers.

Song: Nirvana - In Bloom. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Good sleep today!!

Worst thing: No hanging out with my buddy :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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