Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5

Kinda tired again tonight. I actually went to bed a little early but I didn't sleep very well. Sigh. Got home this morning and got TK off to school, went to bed, woke up when he got home and hung out with him for a while, made tacos and veggies for dinner, and now I'm at work. If I'm still tired in the morning I may try to go on to bed when I get home. Dunno yet.

After I got to work tonight I tried to join our little Minecraft server so I could play with TK before he went to bed but for some reason I couldn't connect. We lost power at the house for about an hour on Saturday so I wonder if when the router reset it fucked up the port forwarding thing. Or something. So now I need to try and figure out what is wrong with it. Lovely, lol.

Noms for the day: Can of Vienna Sausages for breakfast. 2 servings of almonds when I got up. The last of my low carb chocolate ice cream before I left for work. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a container of taco meat and veggie stuff.

Song: Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Met the new guy at work last night. He seems to be nice enough :-)

Worst thing: Stupid Minecraft server fucking up >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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