Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22

Went home this morning and swept, emptied the dishwasher, emptied the dryer, made coffee, and scooped the litterboxes before everyone got up. Sent TK off to school and hung out with TH for a while. I still had a few boneless wings and jalapeno hush puppies left over from Friday so I ate those for breakfast. Played with the kitties and went to bed kinda late. I woke up when TK got home but he brought his buddy home with him so I went back to sleep for a little while. Woke up and there was a huge pile of cat puke on the carpet in the living room. That carpet stuff that we have is fucking awesome, though. Vacuumed, cut up salad veggies and made a couple of salads, then took a shower and played a game of Black Ops 2 zombies. Now I'm at work. Woohoo.

Last night I brought the pork chops and stuff I made for dinner, and a leftover salad. The salad was kinda squishy so I only ended up eating the dinner, a tangelo, a yogurt, and 2 pieces of banana bread. Oh, and 2 cookies :-) Tonight I only ate a cheese stick and a piece of banana bread after I got up so I brought a big salad and a small container of leftover pork chop dinner. I also have a banana, a tangelo, and a yogurt. We froze the other 3 cooked pork chops and we're marinating that pork roast to cook Wednesday night. Not sure what we'll do tomorrow night. Definitely something with veggies, though! Ooh, maybe tacos, with TVP crumbles instead of hamburger meat? I think we have everything we need. Yeah...maybe tacos, beans, and rice (and veggies). We'll see.

I walked outside at work last night and there was a coyote standing in the driveway, not 20 feet from the little podium that we stand at to check people in. I just kinda stopped and looked at him, and he looked at me, then he took off. That right there is the biggest reason I keep the door closed while I'm at work. I sit here looking out the window for cars coming but my back is to the doors. I can just see it - I'm sitting here and a coyote sneaks up behind me and bites me on the ass XD

So, if the scale at home is correct, and I guess I really have no reason to assume that it's not, I weighed earlier today and I'm at 401. That's 7.2 lbs down since last Wednesday. 5 days. And that's basically nothing but eating more fruits and veggies and less crap. I guess I'm getting more exercise now with all of the cleaning and stuff I'm doing, too, but it's mostly the eating. That sounds like a lot but I've always heard that if you have more to lose you tend to lose it faster, at least in the beginning. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. I keep meaning to add in some time on the little pedal thingie but I haven't yet.

I can't think of anything else right now. No pictures, really. Not much going on today except cleaning. The neverfreakingendless cleaning. You know what though? I'm ok with it. I'm just so happy to have a house to clean :-)

Song: Bad Books - Forest Whitaker. Seems like I found this on that new music show on the radio a while back. It's kinda catchy.

Best thing: Ranked up in Black Ops 2 zombies. Now I'm the skull with blue glowing eyes. Not really sure what that means though, lol.

Worst thing: Cat barf :-/

Yep yep yep.

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