Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25

Thursday night, yay! Mom is not coming this weekend, which kinda sucks and kinda doesn't. She went to her pain management dr. today and he started her on some kind of pain patches. He said there could be some weird side effects so she figures it's probably best to stay home if she might end up feeling crappy. So we'll try for another weekend. On the bright side though this means that I can go home and hang out in the morning, take a nap, and TK and I can hang out all weekend. Yay! 

Yeah, I went home this morning and swept, emptied the dishwasher, and did a few things in the kitchen waiting until time to wake up TK. Got him up and out the door, and TH was still asleep. I shit you not, I had just gone into the gameroom to start playing video games and he wakes up. So I ended up fucking around with him all morning instead of playing. Sigh. He woke up sore from the yard work that he did yesterday so we decided not to go anywhere. I made breakfast tacos (eggs, bell peppers and onions, and a can of reduced fat corned beef hash) and 2 more loaves of banana bread. I ate 2 tacos with FF sour cream and shredded cheese. His work called and wanted him to come in today because somebody quit, so he worked from about 11-4. Yay, overtime? I got up when TK came home and hung out with him until TH got there. They went out messing around looking at toys and I went back to sleep.

They stopped at Whataburger for dinner, and usually when they do something like that I'll stop on my way to work and get something too. I thought about Whataburger, because TH said he tried the new Monterey Melt Burger and it was really good. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I looked up the nutrition facts on it. A combo meal - burger, fries, and Diet Coke - would have been 1520 calories and 94 grams of fat :-/ Usually at Whataburger I get a regular burger with bacon and cheese, and that combo would have been 1190 calories and 64 grams of fat. Wow. I did just notice that they have a junior burger with bacon and cheese, and that one is about half of the calories and fat of a regular size. I guess if I do decide to go to Whataburger I could get that one and skip the fries? We don't eat out much, except for the take and bake pizza on Fridays, so it's probably not that big a deal, but I guess it does make a difference. 

So, I decided on Subway. Even that is tricky, though, if you don't pay attention. I used to always get a footlong Spicy Italian, which is pepperoni and salami. 1160 calories and 64 grams of fat! I might as well have had the damn hamburger :-/ Although I guess at least with the sandwich you get all those veggies, so that's something. And too, a footlong sandwich is 2 meals for me, so it's really only half as bad as it sounds, lol. I'll eat half after I get here, and then the other half either later that night or the next morning when I get home. Lately I've been getting the Cold Cut Combo, which is turkey based ham, salami, and bologna. It's a little better, 910 calories and 39 grams of fat. Tonight I decided to try the Subway Club, which is supposed to be one of their lower-fat subs. It's made with turkey, roast beef, and ham. It's only 810 calories and 24 grams of fat. If I left off the cheese I could save a little bit, but I like the cheese. Plus, calcium. I may switch the bread, though. I usually get Italian Herbs and Cheese and that adds a bunch. I just noticed that they list a Roasted Garlic that is pretty low.

So I bought a sandwich and a Diet Coke, and brought a small bag of chips and 2 pieces of banana bread. I still have a yogurt and a tangelo here. I've already eaten half of the sandwich. If I don't get hungry until almost time to go home I'll probably just eat the yogurt and stuff and save the sandwich for at home :-) Last night I ate the veggie chips and bean dip, the stir fry veggies, and a package of instant oatmeal. I may start using one of the diet/fitness apps on my phone again. I have one where you just kinda keep track of everything you eat and one where you basically do the weight watchers type thing. Dunno. I don't want to get too strict about everything, but then I don't want to let myself slack off. I'll figure something out.

I'm thinking about taking TK to school in the morning and going by the store. It's either that, or pick him up and go by then. Dunno yet. We only really need a few things - milk, eggs, beer :-) We still have plenty of stuff to cook! I'm kinda thinking about making a stew, if I could find some stew meat that's not too expensive. I would be fine with just the veggies but TH gets a little cranky if there's no meat at all, lol.

So, let's see. I saw on FB that a lady was stabbed to death in the "bad" part of town earlier today. And there was a threat written on the wall at a high school out near where TH works. Supposedly something is supposed to happen tomorrow, so they're going to have extra police and stuff out there. Oh, and they found a body floating in the lake out here close to where I work. That one I actually heard on the fire department scanner. There's a fire station across the intersection from my little gatehouse, kinda behind a little shopping center. I can always tell when the fire truck leaves because I can see its lights, so I usually check the traffic and fire incident pages to see what's up. I listen to the police/fire scanners a lot, too. What can I say - it gets boring out here :-) So they were on there talking about calling for EMS and finding a place for Starflight to land and everything, then a few minutes later they came on and cancelled Starflight. Said they just needed a medic unit to pronounce. Poor dude/dudette :-( If it was just somebody who drowned, that's how you know it's summer. We always have a bunch of people drown on that lake. It's sad.

I just tried to change a lightbulb but we don't even have any! We have these fancy little 2 bulb sconces outside, one on either side of the door. One bulb died so I was going to replace it. Well, when I tried to take it out it broke, leaving the metal part up in the socket. So I shut down the power to those lights, found a pair of needlenose pliers, and managed to get it out. Yay! But I can't find one to put in its place. Eh, I tried.

Hmmm. No pictures (again) Yeah, I know. I need to go around and take pictures of ALL THE THINGS!!!! but I haven't yet. I've got plenty of time, lol. I did the Economics homeworks but I still need to do the quizzes before Sunday. Probably should try to do them tomorrow morning, I guess. I finally heard back from the teacher and she reset the quiz for me. Yay!

Best thing: Made a (better) dinner choice.

Worst thing: Headache. I think I drank a little too much wine this morning :-/


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