Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23

It's a little cold tonight. I guess it's actually not that cold really but it's pretty windy. Not a big fan of the wind. It never did rain today but the front blew through around midafternoon and dropped the temperature 20 degrees. TH came home bitching about how cold it was, lol. I think there's still something like a 30% chance of rain for tomorrow. Should be nice and cool, too. Not sure what we're doing yet, if anything. I kinda want to go running around with TH but then I kinda want to hang out at home and play video games.

Didn't do much today. Went home and played a little Black Ops 2 zombies before everyone got up. Sent TK off to school, hung out with TH and ate some pizza rolls and a small bag of chips for breakfast. Stayed up too late (again) but got up when TK came home. I kinda thought about a quick nap but didn't really have time. So I'm kinda tired :-/ Hung out with him, made some more hummus, then when TH got home we made nachos for dinner. Mine had tortilla chips, refried  beans, salsa, cheese, black olives, bell pepper, green onions, FF sour cream, and guacamole. Eh, not the best thing but at least there were veggies on there? I brought a salad to work with me but I'm not sure if I'll end up being hungry enough to eat it. I still have a few bites of my salad left from last night, too. Last night I ended up eating the pork chop leftovers and part of the salad, then a banana and some oatmeal later.

Last night I did one chapter of the Economics homework and started to do the quiz when my browser crashed. I was only on question 5 or 6. Of course, I can't get back in to try and finish it because you only get one attempt. I've emailed the teacher to see if there's anything that can be done but she hasn't answered me yet >:-( I really can't afford to fail another quiz - I'm going to need all of the points I can get! I will be so glad when this class is over!

TH got his vacation check today. It was for 2 weeks pay, like we expected. I guess mine wasn't because of that 6 months or so that I only worked 2 days per week instead of full time? Dunno. It's good timing though because this paycheck is going to be the one where we took those days off, so it's going to be pretty short. We had kinda been hoping to be able to use the vacation checks to fix the fence and put the pool back up but it definitely looks like that won't happen until next summer. I really wanted to swim this summer though!!! And I fucking hate public pools. They're gross and crowded and there are little screaming kids everywhere. Oh and the hours absolutely suck. Sigh. Maybe there will at least be enough left over to get a small chest freezer? We really need one of those. I like to be able to get chicken and stuff cheap when it's on sale, and cook extra stuff to freeze.

So I read on FB earlier that the cops shot somebody. It's over in the "bad" part of town, which kinda figures. Right now they're calling it "suicide by cop". Apparently somebody called them because this guy was suicidal, and when they got there he aimed a rifle at them and wouldn't follow direcetions so they shot him. Get ready for the shitstorm if this guy isn't white. It always happens :-/

I...dunno what else. I'm bored and tired. I brought a few movies to watch, yay! One of our residents stopped by earlier with a plate and a small box of baklava for us. Said they had a party and wanted to share what was left. I'm not hungry right now but I might try some later. It looks...interesting. It also looks very very sweet, so I'm not sure about that, lol.

Oh! So I went outside just before TK got home to get the recycle can and Misadventure was out there! I think she's finally figured out that we have moved back. Some mornings she and Hiro will come down to say hi when I get home, but as soon as one of the other cats shows up they just hiss and run away. Buttheads. So I have a BabyVenture picture. And I have one that is kinda blurry but it's too cute not to post. TK texted me after I got to work and said that we had a chair full of cats :-)

Bitchy Baby Misadventure!!

Chair full of kitties! Naga, Snipe, and Moose. Yeah I know, TK isn't the best photographer, lol.

Song: Green Day - American Idiot. I was thinking about this song earlier, and I can't believe I don't have it in my music! I'm downloading it now!

Best thing: No real kitty cat messes today!

Worst thing: Stupid quiz fucked up and no answer yet from the teacher.


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