Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21

Sunday night, back at work. Yay. And of course I forgot that I had an Economics homework and quiz due tonight so I just kinda skimmed through and did it when I got here. I made 100 on the homework, which really isn't that hard because you can try the questions more than once until you get them right. Seems kinda pointless, I guess. Made a 70 on the quiz though, which is better than I have been doing lately. The last 2 chapters are due next Sunday, then the last test and then the final :-/ But then I'm done, yay!!

So Friday we took TK to school then went to Sam's for salad, HEB for groceries and Sprouts for veggies and the pork chops that were on sale. We got 2 small packages of pork chops and one roast. Went home and cooked some frozen boneless wings and jalapeno hush puppies for lunch. Played a little Black Ops 2, then TH went to work and I took a nap. Got up when TK got home and we hung out for a little bit. TH stopped to get Papa Murphy's pizza on his way home and I had the oven preheated and ready so it didn't take very long to cook. We had pizza and beer and watched The Hobbit. It was good, but awfully long. I sometimes have a hard time paying attention to long movies. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up late messing around.

Saturday we got up and had to go take the movie back because TH forgot to grab it when he left. We stopped at Sonic while we were out and got a half price drink. When we got home I ate a little bit of leftover Tater Tot Casserole with salsa. Then I swept, vacuumed, cleaned the windows and the bathrooms, and started the laundry. I made 2 loaves of banana bread and TK helped me make some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. I love our new stove! It is amazing how much better everything turns out when you have an oven that actually cooks at the temperature it's supposed to! TH got home and he had leftover pizza. Hung out with him for a while then he went to bed. I ate 2 pieces of leftover pizza and a few chips. Played a little Black Ops 2 zombies and online multiplayer before I went to bed.

We finally checked out Steam, and they had Team Fortress 2 free to play so TK and I both downloaded it. That's what he has been playing the most lately. For the weekend sale they had a Portal and Portal 2 bundle for $6.50 so we each bought that, too. Haven't played them yet, though. TF2 is...interesting. It's a little confusing, I guess just because there are so many different classes and possible weapons. I was so glad to find out that we can use the Xbox 360 controllers (we have the PC adapters for them) to play it, because I just can't get used to using a keyboard and mouse for gaming. I'm a console girl all the way, lol. I would probably play Minecraft PC more if you could use controllers for it but you can't. Sucks.

Today I slept pretty late, so I didn't have to worry about taking a nap before I came to work. Played a little TF2 with TK, then started a game of Black Ops 2 zombies. I made it to round 21 on Nuketown, by myself! That's like, a new freaking record for me :-) Ahem. Anyway...I made dinner! Pork chops, roasted veggies, Ranch Style beans, and cornbread. I marinated the pork chops in a ziploc bag with salt, pepper, garlic, Italian Seasoning, and mustard then cooked them in a skillet sprayed with Pam. Chopped up some carrots, potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, and celery and seasoned them with a little olive oil, pepper, garlic, and Creole Seasoning. Opened a can of red pepper Ranch Style beans (duh), and since I had it I used 2 boxes of cornbread mix. I have a canister of cornmeal for next time, though :-) I don't have a small pan so I cooked it in the oven in one of the small skillets. It said they were oven safe, and they are! It was all good :-) TK wasn't hungry but TH ate and I brought some to work, and I divided up what was left into 2 containers for lunches. Plus, there were 6 porkchops so I cooked them all and set 3 aside to freeze for later. Nom nom nom.

My mom texted me Friday night while we were watching the movie. She said that one of my nieces had been in a car accident. She was sitting a a red light and a pickup hit her from behind and knocked her into the car in front of her. She's ok, just a little sore, but the car is totalled. It's a little Honda Fit. Apparently it doesn't take much to destroy one of those little things :-/

I've asked Mom to come stay with us next weekend so we can like, hang out, or whatever. I know she wants to see me (and the house!) and I would rather her come here than have to go stay up there. I figure I'll go up there after I get off Friday and get her, then she can go home some time Sunday. I was talking to my brother on Saturday and mentioned that they should come by some time to see the house, and that she was probably coming next weekend. They're going to come have lunch Sunday after they go to church, and take her home so I don't have to. Yay!

So they found the guys who set off the bombs at the marathon last week. It was 2 brothers from Russia, both here on student visas. There's not much more info available right now. There was this huge manhunt/gunbattle/chase, and one of the guys was killed. I think they said the other brother actually ran over him trying to escape :-/ They caught the other guy later that day and he's in custody. That's all I know right now, though.

Pictures! Some Happy Kitty!! pictures, and one while we were making the cookies. TK dropped in a spoonful of peanut butter and it totally looked like a turd, lol. We tried to recreate it but it just wasn't the same. There's also a little bit of kitchen in there, so just ignore the peanut butter turd if you want :-)

Jim Bob on the couch :-) He's actually kinda started standing up for himself lately - we saw him make Snipe back down the other day!

Naga and Snipe in the chair together. I had to get a pic - I don't think I've ever seen them snuggled up together like this!

Peanut butter turd! And a little bit of awesome kitchen. Cause it is awesome. And purty :-)

Song: Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch. Another kinda random shuffle. I just wasn't feeling the first few that popped up. This one works though.

Best thing: My niece wasn't hurt!

Worst thing: TH has felt kinda crappy all weekend :-(


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