Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28

Sunday night, back at work. Woohoo. I am definitely not tired though - I stayed up all night Saturday and basically slept all day. Felt kinda weird. I got here tonight and still hadn't done my last 2 Economics quizzes so I had to get those finished by midnight. The teacher finally emailed me back saying she had reset the one that fucked up, so yay. Of course though, it's freaking busy tonight for some reason so that made it a pain in the ass. And, the one that fucked up the first time, fucked up again! I got like 7 questions done and it froze up and quit. So fuck it, I guess. The second one worked fine. Now I have until Tuesday night to take the last test. Sigh.

So Friday morning I took TK to school and went to the store. Got home and kinda hung out with TH until he went to work. Slept for a little bit, then called to order the pizza and had the oven ready when TH got home. We watched End of Watch. It was actually pretty good! It was kinda like a documentary style without being boring, I guess. I enjoyed it. Hung out with TH for a while, then he went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while just messing around. Slept kinda late Saturday then got up and cleaned, did about 5 loads of laundry, swept, vacuumed...the usual. TK's friend came over to spend the night. TH got home and we had leftover pizza and just kinda hung out in the game room because the boys were messing around on the computer in the living room. It was raining so we stood on the front porch watching it for a little while. He went to bed and I stayed up pretty much all night playing Black Ops 2 with the boys :-)

I dug out the PS2 and Super Nintendo that we had salvaged from the house and got them cleaned up Saturday. The PS2 still works! I'm letting the Super Nintendo sit for a few days to make sure it's completely dry before I plug it in and test it. We still have a bunch of games for each one but I'm thinking there might still be another box of game stuff at the storage place because I didn't find everything I thought I still had. We need to go finish cleaning it out, anyway :-/ I'm pretty sure that most of what is there is just going to go away, but I'm not sure how we're going to get rid of it. I guess we need to call the Salvation Army or something - they might take that chair and couch, stuff like that. A lot of what's left though is just junk.

I'm trying to remember if I ate something before I went to bed Friday. It seems like I might have had a small bag of chips. Friday night I had 3 pieces of pizza, then some veggie chips and hummus before I went to bed. Saturday I really don't think I ate anything after I got up until TH got home. Then I had 2 pieces of pizza and 2 small bags of chips. Later we made popcorn and I ate a little bit of that, 2 cheese sticks, and a piece of banana bread. Oh, and a few vodka gummy bears. Because I made vodka gummy bears again :-) Today I had a glass of chocolate milk and 2 pieces of banana bread before I came to work, and I brought 3 tortillas and some of the leftover roast and veggies with salsa, shredded cheese, and FF sour cream. I also have a banana, a tangelo, and a container of strawberries. I finally weighed again, just before I came to work tonight. 399!!! That's 11 pounds total, and finally below 400 :-) I guess I should really start taking some pictures, too. Just to keep track.

We sat down Friday night and kinda made a meal planner type thing. It looks like Sundays will be sorta fend for yourself type day, unless I just feel like cooking. Mondays and Tuesdays I'll try to cook. Wednesdays TK is in charge of dinner. I forsee a lot of spaghetti and stuff like that. He'll learn, though. Thursdays are TH's days. This should be...interesting, lol. He's getting a lot better about adding in veggies and stuff though. Fridays are pizza or whatever we decide to do for movie night. Saturdays are usually leftover pizza, or leftover whatever from the week before. We'll see how it goes. Maybe try to kinda build meals around whatever is on sale every week. It could be fun! Oh yeah - we ordered a freezer!!! It's supposed to be here Wednesday. We decided on the smaller one, the 5 cubic foot. It will fit in a good spot, and it won't be so big that it will be hard to rotate through stuff. I hate it when stuff gets lost in the freezer and ends up getting thrown away!

Steam has a bundle pack of all of the Grand Theft Auto games for like $12 this weekend. That's 75% off! I bought one bundle - I figure no more than we'll really play it we can both log in and play on the same account. At that price I had to get them, though. Now I understand what everyone was talking about when they said that Steam is a dangerous place, lol.

I...dunno what else. I'm bored, so yay? I could start reading and preparing for my test but I probably won't. Just cause.

Song: George Jones - White Lightning. I heard over the weekend that he died :-( My mom always loved  him, so I heard him a lot growing up.

Best thing: PS2 works!!

Worst thing: Stupid quiz fucked up. Again >:-(


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