Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4

Monday night, back at work. Yeehaw, lol. It's still a little cool at night compared to what it usually is in early May but it's back to getting warm during the day. Not my favorite, but at least it's not like 100 out there yet. There's supposed to be a decent chance for rain over the next few days so we'll see. We could definitely use it!

So let's see. Friday morning I went home to pick up TK and we went to get my oil changed. Finished up there then went to take care of the kitties, stopped by Walmart for a couple of things, went by Gamestop, and got home a little before TH did. Hung out for a while and started on Clan Wars (spoiler alert - we won!) then after TH got home we made nachos for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing COD. At one point we went out front to see what the kitties were up to and discovered that they had found a baby(ish) blue jay. He looked pretty much alright except for possibly a broken leg so we took him in, put him in a box, and hid him in TK's room so the kitties couldn't find him again. The wildlife rescue place opens every day at 9 am, which leads us to...

Saturday morning! Got up early and waited for the wildlife place to open then headed over there to drop the little birdie off. We also did a $20 donation :-) Went by a dollar store type place and looked at tacky little garden decoration thingies. I kinda wanted to find another dragonfly like the ones we have hanging up on the front porch but they didn't have any. They did have some butterflies though so we got a few of them to hang up out back. I also found some medium/largish plastic pots for pretty cheap. I've been wanting to move the strawberry plants out of the garden and into pots so we can put something else in their place. By that time it was about 10:30, and my Sheriff buddy texted me to see if we were going to go watch his biker club do its ride. This weekend was the Peace Officers' Memorial ceremony and they were having the highway shut down so they could ride to the Capitol for the service. So we went to watch and it was pretty cool :-) Lots of bikes, lol. Watched that then went by Home Depot for some more of the rocks and some mulch to build more flowerbeds. I also bought 2 eggplants and another bell pepper to put in the garden :-) Stopped by Wendy's on the way home to grab some lunch. I've been wanting to try their new super spicy ghost pepper chicken sandwich but when we got there we saw that they also have ghost pepper fries so of course we had to try them too. It was all good, not super duper spicy like you would think but decently spicy and tasty. So that worked. Got home and ate lunch and hung out for a while waiting for it to cool off a little bit. Did a little laundry and cleaning, I read for a while, then we grilled some sausage, eggplant, asparagus, and portabella mushrooms stuffed with feta cheese. Nom :-) Afterwards TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up pretty late playing.

Sunday we slept kinda late, did a little bit of the flowerbed before it got too hot and moved the strawberries and planted my new little veggies. Back when the house burned down we had one of those 24' round above ground pools and when they tore the old house down it was in the way so we had to have it taken down. It's just been sitting in the shed taking up room so we got ahold of the guy who took it down for us to see if he wanted it. He finally came to pick it up Sunday afternoon. Other than that we didn't really do much. Hung out, played a little more, then after TH went to bed TK and I stayed up playing again. Friday when we went to Gamestop we preordered 2 copies of Black Ops 3 because you get a free poster and a code to access the beta when it comes out. They also had used games buy 3 get one free so we bought Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, Lego Lord of the Rings, Deadpool, and an older Mortal Kombat for the Xbox 360. So we spent some time this weekend trying all of them out. I likes :-)

Monday I woke up when TH left for work and stayed up for a while reading. Went back to bed and got up after he got home from work. Hung out with them, had leftovers for dinner, and now I'm at work.

I'm thinking if I'm not super tired in the morning (and it's not raining, I guess) I may try to work on the flowerbeds a little bit before it gets hot. We have the rocks for all of one side laid out, we just need to work on digging out the grass so we can spread the mulch out. I'm thinking about moving my little cabbage seedlings over to the flowerbed after we get it ready because I didn't really do much cabbage research before we planted them. Apparently one cabbage seed = one cabbage plant which = one cabbage. I kinda just...spread them out like the spinach seeds so we have about a dozen little baby cabbage plants in one square. Oops, lol.

So, yeah. Not a bad weekend, all in all :-)

Noms for the days: Eh, you know...Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Song: Chamillionaire, Kelis - I'm Not A Criminal. Random shuffle.

Best thing: More flowerbeds!!

Worst thing: Ended up drinking like, a whole bottle of vodka. Sigh.


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