Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12

Tuesday night. Yay, lol. Figure I'd better get this done while I still have internet here at work. It was out all night last night and since I've been here tonight it's been off and on like 5 times. So that's awesome :-/ It's a little cool and breezy tonight but also kinda foggy and humid. It rained off and on all day and they're calling for even more overnight and tomorrow. So we'll see.

Ok so Friday morning TK and I went to take care of the kitties then went to Walmart for a couple of things. Got home and hung out for a while and played some COD until TH got home. Made some chicken and fries for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TH's boss called and asked him to work Saturday so he went on to bed kinda early and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.

Saturday TH had to work but we wanted to finish the flowerbed that we started last week so TK and I got out there and dug up a bunch of grass. We got the area for the flowerbed and a big circle around the tree in the front yard cleared and ready to lay out rocks and mulch. So that was tiring but cool :-) it rained a little off and on so it was kinda messy too. Finished up with that, did some cleaning and laundry, played a little, then when TH got home we grilled some sausages and sat outside for a while. TH was tired so he went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while. 

Sunday we got up kinda early and hung out for a while drinking coffee then went out and finished up the flowerbed and tree ring. We ended up having to make a last minute run to Home Depot for more mulch and few more of the border rocks but we got it finished. And it looks awesome! I moved my crowded little cabbage plants over into the new flowerbed so hopefully they'll actually have a chance to grow. Finished up with that, did a little more laundry and cleaning, then made homemade pizza for dinner and watched Furious 7. It was actually pretty good. A little cheesy, but car chases and explosions and and and...yeah :-) I was pretty tired so I went on to bed when TH did. 

Monday we pretty much just hung out, played a little, took a nap, and I came to work. Fun stuff, lol. It rained off and on all day which was nice. 

Tuesday TK was asleep when I got home so I chatted with TH at work for a while, stayed up and did a little reading, then went to bed around 11:00. Got up at 7:00, had leftovers for dinner, and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. Yay. 

Noms for the days: Not exactly... 

Song: don't wanna mess with it since I'm writing this on my phone. Stupid internet >:-( 

Best thing: Flowerbeds!! 

Worst thing: Tired, kinda :-/ 

Yep yep yep. 

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