Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30

Thursday night! Yay :-) Tomorrow is the first day of May, which is kinda crazy. Still a little cool here at night but starting to warm back up during the day. It's supposed to be a nice weekend so I think we're going to try to build another flowerbed or 2. Maybe play outside a little bit. And of course grill something :-)

So let's see. Wednesday was pretty much go home and sleep, hang out with everyone, have leftover stuff for dinner, and come to work. Super duper exciting, lol.

Thursday I went home and changed clothes then went to HEB for a couple of things and stopped by AutoZone for air filters for my car. I'm going to get my oil changed in the morning and every time I do they want to change the air filters but the dealer charges wayyyyy too much so I'm like, nah. So we finally did it ourselves :-) Got home and read for a while, went to bed around 11:00 or so, woke up at like 7:00, and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work.

Tomorrow morning we have to go get my oil changed (yay, lol) and go take care of the kitties, then I think we're going to go feed the ducks or something. Maybe stop by Walmart to check out the toys and see if they have any sausage or something grillable marked down too. Dunno. This weekend is also another COD: Advanced Warfare Clan Wars so we need to try to play enough to win again. Cause we wanna get all of that sweet, sweet gear :-)

So, I hopped on the scale today. I've been avoiding it because everything went to shit a while back and I knew it wasn't going to be good. I'm sitting right at 400 right now :-( This is after like a week and a half of tracking and shit so it was probably a little higher to begin with. I do feel like I've actually got my shit together this time and it's something I can actually stick with though. So yay?

Noms for the days: Wednesday, Thursday. I'm actually doing it!!

Song: AC/DC - Back In Black. So apparently this was the song from the Black Ops 2 trailer :-)

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: Stupid scale >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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