Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30

Yep. Saturday night, busy here at work (of course). We had another decent storm earlier today but it's all moved out and cleared up now. I think there's just a slight chance of rain and stuff for later tonight and tomorrow but nothing serious. So that's cool.

I got home this morning and everyone was awake so I hung out with them for a while, then spent wayyyyy too long playing AW with TK. But right now we're holding first place in Clan Wars, so yay! I didn't end up going to bed until after 5:00 so I'm tired tonight but it's not as bad as I was afraid it would be. If I'm awake enough when I get off in the morning I may stop by HEB on my way home and pick up a few grocery type things since TK and I didn't go Thursday or Friday. Then hopefully after that I can get some decent sleep. TK's buddy is spending the night tonight so they'll either still be awake when I get home or crashed out all over the world, lol. You just never know.

Noms for the day: MFP. Yeah, not great...

Song: Icon For Hire - Make A Move. Another new one!

Best thing: The guy who used to work here but now works down at the clubhouse (R.) brought me a little molded resin Lego guy that his roommate made. It's so cute!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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