Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29

Yeehaw. So it's Friday night and yep, I'm at work. It's always busier on the weekends but even that's not bothering me tonight because it's nothing compared to the last few days, lol. So it's all good. I didn't actually even sleep very long but I must have slept pretty well because I'm not really tired. Which is nice :-)

So let's see. We had a huge storm blow through while I was at work Thursday night. High winds, heavy rain, lightning...all the fun stuff. By the time I left work Friday morning it was just kind of a light rain. There were a couple of small trees down out here at work but no damage or anything at our house. Some neighborhoods lost power and had trees and fences and shit blown down so we got lucky. Since I stayed an hour later traffic sucked on the way home. Sigh. Got home and TK was awake so we played a little COD, I watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy, then went to bed around 1:30 or so. Got up at 7:30 and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. They had gotten out and done some running around while I was asleep, and they went by Petsmart to buy some more fishies for my tank here at work :-) So now I have 6 little Neon Tetras, 3 yellow Platys, 4 Ghost Shrimp, and 2 little snails. They're all so cute!!! So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: MFP. Still being a good girl with the alcohol :-)

Song: Skillet - "Sick Of It". A new one!

Best thing: Fishies!!!

Worst thing: Working but would kinda rather be home tonight playing with TK. It's double XP weekend and another round of Clan Wars for COD:AW. Sigh.

Yep yep yep

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