Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28

Thursday night. And holy shit here we go again. Got to work at 7 pm and I'm staying until 7 am tomorrow. So another freaking 12 hour shift. Sigh. And and and, as of right now my boss has offered me Friday and/or Saturday nights if I want them because we just really don't have anyone who can work it. I'm debating it, lol. I really don't want to work 12 days straight but man that would be some serious fucking overtime pay. Dunno yet.

So yeah. Today was pretty much like yesterday. Got home and TK was awake so we played for a while. My boss called around 11:00 to see if I wanted to come in early so I tried to go on to bed. Of course it picked right then to start storming, which made it kinda hard to sleep. Oh and the guys working on the install for Google Fiber (woot!) were right in front of our house all day making all kinds of noise. So I'm like, really fucking tired :-( But I'm here, and I'll survive, and all that shit. Oh and there's a seriously huge line of storms slowly creeping our way. So it's probably going to rain and shit the rest of the night. Fun stuff, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. And if you'll notice, I had a beer this morning. A single beer :-)

Song: Saliva - Hate Me. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH stopped by Sam's on his way home just to buy me some more spinach because I ran out. Cause he wubs me :-)

Worst thing: Sooooo tired :-(


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