Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 14

Disclaimer: I have been trying (and failing) to post this for a fucking week thanks to the shitty internet connection at work. So I know it's a week late but hey, whatever, lol.

Thursday night! Yay :-) Been busier here at work the last couple of nights. I think some of the college kids are home already. So begins the annoying ass summer full of annoying ass children. Sigh...

So let's see. Not really much going on. Wednesday I went home and tried to sleep but it didn't work very well. It rained off and on and I gave up when TH got home. Hung out with them for a while, tried another quick nap, then went to work. Thursdays we usually try to go do our grocery thing but I didn't feel like it today so I went home, played with TK for a little while, then went to bed kinda late. Woke up before TH got home and he brought home Taco Bell so we had dinner. Hung out with them for a while, took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. Again :-P

So tomorrow we go take care of the kitties, do whatever else we need to do, then...I dunno. Hopefully get some decent sleep this weekend because I am seriously fucking tired :-( They're calling for rain off and on all weekend but if were able to I would like to try to get another section of the flowerbeds built. Because flowerbeds :-) We'll see though.

Bonus pic! Teeny tiny harvest from my garden :-) The zucchini got like, huge overnight. The tomatoes aren't quite ripe but I found out that if you leave them to ripen and get a shit-ton of rain, they'll burst open. Lost 5 or 6 that way :-( The squash and cucumbers are a little on the small side but I like them that way.

It's all sooooo freaking cute!!!

 Noms for the days: Eh, kinda sorta but not really.

Song: OMC - How Bizarre. Random shuffle.

Best thing: My garden! It's all so cute!!

Worst thing: Tired and eh :-(


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