Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. Tomorrow is Memorial Day so it's pretty fucking busy, as I expected. Sigh. It rained off and on all weekend so I was kinda hoping it would continue on through tonight to keep all of these little fuckers at home but no such luck. Double sigh.

So let's see. Not really much going on. Like I said, it rained off and on pretty much all weekend so TH and TK didn't go to his family reunion thing and we didn't mess with the flowerbeds or anything. Just kinda chilled all weekend. Friday morning TK and I went by Walmart and HEB to pick up a couple of grocery things but that was pretty much it. Got home and played a little until TH got home, hung out with him, made chili cheese tater tot stuff for dinner, and started watching a movie but I kinda fell asleep in the middle of it. Oops. So I went on to bed.

Saturday we woke up kinda early. Hung out with TH and TK, did some laundry and cleaning, played for a while, did a little reading, then made homemade pizza for dinner. TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while.

Sunday I woke up early (again), hung out with TH and TK, read for a while, then took a quick nap. Had leftovers for dinner and now I'm at work. Which is kinda weird because now it feels like a Monday night. This is definitely going to take some getting used to, lol.

So we actually got quite a bit of rain over the weekend. I think they said that we've had almost 11" of rain so far this month, and we usually only have about 3" or so. They're calling for more starting tomorrow morning. There was actually some pretty serious flooding in a couple of towns south of us. So that sucked :-(

Noms for the weekend: Not yet, but almost!

Song: One Republic - All The Right Moves. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Let the new kitties out Saturday morning and they've gotten the hang of coming in and out. They really seem to enjoy exploring and hanging out in the chairs on the front porch :-)

Worst thing: Tired and kinda eh :-(


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