Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21

Thursday night! And holy shit my internet at work is actually working right now. Better make this quick before it craps out again >;-(

Ok so, it has been a long, relatively eventful week, lol. I don't even really remember exactly what happened day-to-day so let's just hit the highlights. Oh, but it did rain off and on most of the week, so that was kinda cool. Let's see. Last Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties, stopped by the tire place to have a screw removed from my tire, and went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little COD because it was time for Clan Wars again. This time, however, we got our asses kicked. So no new gear for us :-( Seems like we made chicken and fries or something for dinner, watched the season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then went on to bed pretty quick.

Saturday we planned on working on the flowerbeds some more so we were going to go to Home Depot after we woke up. I got a text late Friday night from the lady who runs the rescue group wanting to know if I could meet her at Petsmart Saturday morning so we went by there first. Ok so super duper long story short, she's having some problems with the management there so we're pulling out temporarily. Which means no adoptions for a while, which means we don't get to go take care of the kitties for a while :-( It also meant that all of the kitties that were left in the store needed to be adopted out or returned to their foster homes. There was one little black and white kitty who had been there almost a month who was sooooooo sweet that we had actually kinda half-ass talked about taking him home. About 2 weeks ago he got a grey and white one for a cagemate who started out shy but was also sweet. So...can you see where this is going? Yep, we have 2 more kitties now, lol. We decided to just go ahead and take both of them since they had been together and got along well. Meow, lol. So we finished up there and by that time we decided we just didn't want to mess with the flowerbeds so we stopped by Walmart and TK and I ran in to pick up some frozen pizzas and something to grill. Got home and let the new kitties out to explore and basically just messed around with them the rest of the night. We cooked the frozen pizzas and started marinating the meat to grill Sunday. I went to bed a little early but work up in the middle of the night and stayed up to play with TK.

It started storming early Sunday morning and didn't stop until about mid-afternoon. We pretty much just hung out and played, did some laundry and cleaning, I did a little reading, and we all took a nap :-) The sun finally came out and it dried up a little bit so we grilled and sat outside for a while. So that was fun :-)

The rest of the week was pretty much just work, sleep, play, hang out with everyone, blah blah blah. TH's older sister's husband died last week from a heart attack or something, and TH went to the visitation thingie Tuesday afternoon. I thought about going but TK and I mowed and weedeated (I don't care if it's not a word!) the yard that morning and I didn't get to bed until late. So I slept. It was the sister we really don't have a lot to do with, the one who caused so much trouble when we were trying to get shit taken care of with the house and all, but that still sucks :-( I can't even imagine...

So yeah. Oh, so the other girl here at work is fucking finally quitting (she's been talking about it for like, months) so starting this weekend I'll go back to working on Sunday nights. :-( but :-) lol. The extra money will be nice. Also, this coming Monday is Memorial Day which means midnight-midnight is holiday pay. So I get 8 hours :-) TH's family always does a big Memorial Day weekend reunion/campout thingie and they made him promise that he would try to come this year. It's supposed to storm all weekend though so we'll see. I really don't have any interest in going (plus I have to work Sunday night) but I guess if TH and TK wanted to go down for the day I would be alright with having the house to myself :-)

And I guess that's pretty much it. We don't have to go take care of the kitties in the morning so I guess TK and will probably go by HEB and then...I dunno. I kinda wanna go hiking or something but it's supposed to be all rainy nasty and stuff. So yeah. I dunno.

Pics of the new guys!

So this is Sarge :-) TH named him that because he said that's what he looks like, lol. He's a playful sweetie who for some reason is fascinated with trying to get into the bathrooms. Kitty's got issues, lol.

And this is Thor. Figured since we had a Loki we needed a Thor to go with him, lol. He's a little more reserved but still sweet and cuddly :-)

Noms for the days: Nopedy nope nope.

Song: Rise Against - The Dirt Whispered, Random shuffle.

Best thing: New kitties!

Worst thing: No taking care of the kitties :-(


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