Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30

Yep. Saturday night, busy here at work (of course). We had another decent storm earlier today but it's all moved out and cleared up now. I think there's just a slight chance of rain and stuff for later tonight and tomorrow but nothing serious. So that's cool.

I got home this morning and everyone was awake so I hung out with them for a while, then spent wayyyyy too long playing AW with TK. But right now we're holding first place in Clan Wars, so yay! I didn't end up going to bed until after 5:00 so I'm tired tonight but it's not as bad as I was afraid it would be. If I'm awake enough when I get off in the morning I may stop by HEB on my way home and pick up a few grocery type things since TK and I didn't go Thursday or Friday. Then hopefully after that I can get some decent sleep. TK's buddy is spending the night tonight so they'll either still be awake when I get home or crashed out all over the world, lol. You just never know.

Noms for the day: MFP. Yeah, not great...

Song: Icon For Hire - Make A Move. Another new one!

Best thing: The guy who used to work here but now works down at the clubhouse (R.) brought me a little molded resin Lego guy that his roommate made. It's so cute!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29

Yeehaw. So it's Friday night and yep, I'm at work. It's always busier on the weekends but even that's not bothering me tonight because it's nothing compared to the last few days, lol. So it's all good. I didn't actually even sleep very long but I must have slept pretty well because I'm not really tired. Which is nice :-)

So let's see. We had a huge storm blow through while I was at work Thursday night. High winds, heavy rain, lightning...all the fun stuff. By the time I left work Friday morning it was just kind of a light rain. There were a couple of small trees down out here at work but no damage or anything at our house. Some neighborhoods lost power and had trees and fences and shit blown down so we got lucky. Since I stayed an hour later traffic sucked on the way home. Sigh. Got home and TK was awake so we played a little COD, I watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy, then went to bed around 1:30 or so. Got up at 7:30 and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. They had gotten out and done some running around while I was asleep, and they went by Petsmart to buy some more fishies for my tank here at work :-) So now I have 6 little Neon Tetras, 3 yellow Platys, 4 Ghost Shrimp, and 2 little snails. They're all so cute!!! So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: MFP. Still being a good girl with the alcohol :-)

Song: Skillet - "Sick Of It". A new one!

Best thing: Fishies!!!

Worst thing: Working but would kinda rather be home tonight playing with TK. It's double XP weekend and another round of Clan Wars for COD:AW. Sigh.

Yep yep yep

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28

Thursday night. And holy shit here we go again. Got to work at 7 pm and I'm staying until 7 am tomorrow. So another freaking 12 hour shift. Sigh. And and and, as of right now my boss has offered me Friday and/or Saturday nights if I want them because we just really don't have anyone who can work it. I'm debating it, lol. I really don't want to work 12 days straight but man that would be some serious fucking overtime pay. Dunno yet.

So yeah. Today was pretty much like yesterday. Got home and TK was awake so we played for a while. My boss called around 11:00 to see if I wanted to come in early so I tried to go on to bed. Of course it picked right then to start storming, which made it kinda hard to sleep. Oh and the guys working on the install for Google Fiber (woot!) were right in front of our house all day making all kinds of noise. So I'm like, really fucking tired :-( But I'm here, and I'll survive, and all that shit. Oh and there's a seriously huge line of storms slowly creeping our way. So it's probably going to rain and shit the rest of the night. Fun stuff, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. And if you'll notice, I had a beer this morning. A single beer :-)

Song: Saliva - Hate Me. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH stopped by Sam's on his way home just to buy me some more spinach because I ran out. Cause he wubs me :-)

Worst thing: Sooooo tired :-(


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27

So. Wednesday night, yay. Except that tonight I got here at 7 pm and I'm here until 7 am tomorrow. So not quite as yay. Although this will give me 4 hours of overtime, on top of the 4 hours of holiday pay for Memorial Day, plus getting my Sundays back puts me back at 40 hours for the week... Yeah, it should be a pretty sweet paycheck, lol. Apparently the other girl who was quitting didn't actually let anyone know until after she was supposed to be at work today, and they didn't have anyone who could cover it so my boss stayed late and I came in early. So that was that. 

Not really much else going on though. Got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but there really wasn't much to tell. Got home Tuesday morning and TK was asleep so I slept most of the day, lol. Got up and hung out with them for a while, had leftover chicken stuff for dinner, then went to work. It didn't rain during the day Tuesday but it stormed just a little bit overnight. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25

Holy Shit. So there was more rain today, more storms, more flooding, a few more tornadoes...yeah. I didn't sleep well at fucking all. I never did hear exactly how much rain fell today but we had the worst flood we've had here since 1981 (which, oddly enough, also happened on Memorial Day). So that's all been super duper fun and shit :-/

So yeah. Got home this morning and TK was awake so we played a little COD, I watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy, threw some chicken in the crockpot for dinner, then went to bed around 10:30 or so. Woke up around 1:00 when the storms started and basically just sat there watching the freaking weather alerts rolling in. Luckily nothing too bad ended up happening. It finally all died down around 6:30 and I took another quick nap before work. I'm sitting here watching the radar right now though and there are a few storms firing up off to the west that look like they might make it to us. Sigh.

Noms for the day: MFP! Decided I'm going to do the whole keto thing for a couple of weeks to kinda kick start things. I did finish up the rest of a bottle of vodka today so I don't plan on drinking anything for a while.

Song: Alabama - Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler). Random shuffle.

Best thing: Didn't get blown away by a tornado, so yay?

Worst thing: Stupid stormy shit and no sleep so I'm all tired and shit :-(


Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. Tomorrow is Memorial Day so it's pretty fucking busy, as I expected. Sigh. It rained off and on all weekend so I was kinda hoping it would continue on through tonight to keep all of these little fuckers at home but no such luck. Double sigh.

So let's see. Not really much going on. Like I said, it rained off and on pretty much all weekend so TH and TK didn't go to his family reunion thing and we didn't mess with the flowerbeds or anything. Just kinda chilled all weekend. Friday morning TK and I went by Walmart and HEB to pick up a couple of grocery things but that was pretty much it. Got home and played a little until TH got home, hung out with him, made chili cheese tater tot stuff for dinner, and started watching a movie but I kinda fell asleep in the middle of it. Oops. So I went on to bed.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21

Thursday night! And holy shit my internet at work is actually working right now. Better make this quick before it craps out again >;-(

Ok so, it has been a long, relatively eventful week, lol. I don't even really remember exactly what happened day-to-day so let's just hit the highlights. Oh, but it did rain off and on most of the week, so that was kinda cool. Let's see. Last Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties, stopped by the tire place to have a screw removed from my tire, and went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little COD because it was time for Clan Wars again. This time, however, we got our asses kicked. So no new gear for us :-( Seems like we made chicken and fries or something for dinner, watched the season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then went on to bed pretty quick.

May 14

Disclaimer: I have been trying (and failing) to post this for a fucking week thanks to the shitty internet connection at work. So I know it's a week late but hey, whatever, lol.

Thursday night! Yay :-) Been busier here at work the last couple of nights. I think some of the college kids are home already. So begins the annoying ass summer full of annoying ass children. Sigh...

So let's see. Not really much going on. Wednesday I went home and tried to sleep but it didn't work very well. It rained off and on and I gave up when TH got home. Hung out with them for a while, tried another quick nap, then went to work. Thursdays we usually try to go do our grocery thing but I didn't feel like it today so I went home, played with TK for a little while, then went to bed kinda late. Woke up before TH got home and he brought home Taco Bell so we had dinner. Hung out with them for a while, took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. Again :-P

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12

Tuesday night. Yay, lol. Figure I'd better get this done while I still have internet here at work. It was out all night last night and since I've been here tonight it's been off and on like 5 times. So that's awesome :-/ It's a little cool and breezy tonight but also kinda foggy and humid. It rained off and on all day and they're calling for even more overnight and tomorrow. So we'll see.

Ok so Friday morning TK and I went to take care of the kitties then went to Walmart for a couple of things. Got home and hung out for a while and played some COD until TH got home. Made some chicken and fries for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TH's boss called and asked him to work Saturday so he went on to bed kinda early and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6

Wednesday night! No internet at work last night, again, so I didn't get a chance to write. It rained most of the night too so I dunno if that had anything to do with it or not, lol. Not really much else going on though so it's not that big of a deal.

So I got home Tuesday morning and TK was awake so I played with him for a while then tried to go to bed. I ended up not falling asleep until almost 1:00 though :-( Got up and had leftovers for dinner then went to work. It had started raining sometime in the afternoon and rained really hard until around 2:00 am or so. I think they said some areas ended up getting over 4" of rain! Crazy.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4

Monday night, back at work. Yeehaw, lol. It's still a little cool at night compared to what it usually is in early May but it's back to getting warm during the day. Not my favorite, but at least it's not like 100 out there yet. There's supposed to be a decent chance for rain over the next few days so we'll see. We could definitely use it!

So let's see. Friday morning I went home to pick up TK and we went to get my oil changed. Finished up there then went to take care of the kitties, stopped by Walmart for a couple of things, went by Gamestop, and got home a little before TH did. Hung out for a while and started on Clan Wars (spoiler alert - we won!) then after TH got home we made nachos for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing COD. At one point we went out front to see what the kitties were up to and discovered that they had found a baby(ish) blue jay. He looked pretty much alright except for possibly a broken leg so we took him in, put him in a box, and hid him in TK's room so the kitties couldn't find him again. The wildlife rescue place opens every day at 9 am, which leads us to...