Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27

Monday night, back at work. Yay. There's a cool front moving through tonight so it's nice and breezy right now. There's a chance for a few storms as it passes but so far everything is staying just north of us. I am getting quite the lightning show off in the distance though so that's pretty cool :-)

So let's see. It started storming just before I left work Friday morning so I drove home in the rainy shit which was seriously not fun. Got home and played with TK for a while waiting for the storms to die down. Went and took care of the kitties, went by Sam's for a couple of things, then went and checked a couple of McDonald's to see which little Transformers Happy Meal toys they had. Got home and hung out until TH got home, hung out with him for a while, then made frozen pizzas for dinner. It stormed off and on all night. I went to bed kinda early but didn't sleep very well.

Saturday I actually work up around 2:00 am and couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and read for a while. TH woke up and I hung out with him for a little bit then took another nap. After I woke up we mowed the yard and cleaned out the shed. And it was seriously freaking hot out :-( Finished up with that, took a shower, then grilled some chicken and some hamburgers. Played with TK for a little while then went on to bed.

Sunday I slept kinda late, we did some cleaning and laundry, hung out with TH and TK, played a little COD, and did some reading. I tried to go to bed kinda early but there was another storm headed our way and I don't sleep well when it storms :-/ So I stayed up until it was over.

Monday I woke up when TH left for work and stayed up for a little while then fell back asleep. Woke up before he got home and hung out with TK for a while, then messed with the garden a little bit and sat outside with TH for a while. I need to get another picture of the garden because everything is huge! It's awesome :-) Had leftover pork roast for dinner then took a quick nap before work. And now I'm here.

Noms for the days: Kinda half-assed it a little, but Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Song: The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black. And bonus - the official Black Ops 3 trailer where it was featured. Looks awesome :-)

Best thing: Cleaned out the shed. It looks soooo much better!

Worst thing: Tired, kinda.


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