Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14

Tuesday night, back at work. Last night I had no internet access for most of the night so I'd better get this done before it decides to quit on me again! So let's see. First things first, Amber is still missing :-( We're still checking the shelters and everything but I'm afraid it's not looking very promising. Oh and last Friday Zoe (the tortie) went missing for about 10 hours but thankfully she found her way back home. We locked them all outside so we could spray the house for fleas and I guess something spooked her and when she couldn't get inside she just took off running. So that was scary. Other than that though, really not much else going on.

Friday morning I stopped on the way home to buy the flea spray. Got home and vacuumed, locked the kitties outside, and sprayed everything down. TK and I went to take care of the kitties then went by HEB and Walmart for a couple of things. I got new socks :-) I've been needing new socks, lol. Got home and vacuumed again, made sure everything was dry, and let the kitties back in. Then we pretty much spent the rest of the day looking for Zoe :-/ She finally came home around 9:00 that night. I had tried to go to bed kinda early but couldn't fall asleep, then once she came home I got up and played with TK for most of the night, lol.

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, then basically played COD most of the day. Clan Wars was going on and we really wanted to win because you get some sweet looking gear, lol. So, yeah. Hung out with TH for a while, made frozen pizzas for dinner, and watched Hot Tub Time Machine 2. It was actually pretty fucking funny. TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while.

Sunday was pretty much the same thing, lol. Clean, play, hang out, read, blah blah blah. It rained off and on for part of the weekend so we didn't plan on trying to grill. We probably could have Sunday though because it ended up clearing up nicely. Eh, next weekend probably. On the bright side though I didn't have to water my garden for 3 days :-)

Monday I got up when TH left for work and stayed up for a while reading, went back to sleep until just before he got home, hung out with him and made leftovers for dinner, then tried to take a quick nap before work but couldn't fall asleep. So I was kinda tired Monday night.

Tuesday I got home and TK was still awake so we stayed up and played for a while, went to bed kinda late, got up when TH got home, hung out with him, made a meat and veggie thing for dinner, then took a nap before work. Sooooo exciting, lol.

What else? Oh yeah - we have a new boss at work. The old guy left last week to do hospital security because it pays more. The new guy's pretty cool though. He's about my age, tall, skinny, bald, and kinda doofy looking. He's a super dork and a gamer too though so we have plenty to talk about :-)

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: John Michael Montgomery - Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident). Random shuffle.

Best thing: I like my new boss :-)

Worst thing: Still no Amber :-(


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