Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6

Monday night, back at work. At least tonight it's nice and slow like it's supposed to be, lol. Not really too much going on though. Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties, stopped by Walmart for a couple of things, went home and played until TH got home, made frozen pizzas for dinner, then I was pretty tired so I went on to bed kinda early. Saturday we slept kinda late, hung out and did some laundry and cleaning, played with TK for a while, then I took a nap and went to work. And of course it was busy and annoying and all that shit. Sigh. Got off Sunday morning (Easter) and stopped by Walgreens to get a few things to make Easter Baskets. Got home and hung out with TH and TK, took a nap, did a little more cleaning and stuff, made tacos for dinner, then TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up pretty late playing. Monday I woke up when TH left for work, stayed up and read for a while, slept a little longer, then got up when TH got home and hung out with them for a while. Made some rice to go with the leftover taco meat then took another quick nap before work. And now I'm here. Yay, lol.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. It was supposed to rain some over the weekend but all we ever got were a few sprinkles. The garden is doing well. We planted it just about a week ago and the spinach radish, and cabbage seeds have already started sprouting. They're so cute!

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: The Wanted - We Own The Night. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Garden!!

Worst thing: Feeling all eh again :-(


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