Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 7

Well fuck. So one of our kitties, Amber, is missing. I saw her last night when I left for work, and TK said he saw her before he went to bed around 2 am or so. And nobody's seen her since. We went and walked around the whole yard, checked the shed, drove around to a couple of streets nearby, called her off and on all day, but nothing. We've been checking the animal shelter's page and I posted something on the neighborhood group. We made up some flyers and if she's not back by the time I get home in the morning we're going to go hang them up around the neighborhood. She is microchipped so I called them to let her know she's missing in case someone finds her and takes her to the shelter or a vet or something. TK will probably keep checking outside for her all night, too.

I'm really hoping she just wandered off and she'll find her way back but I'm almost sure something bad happened. I don't think she got run over because we didn't find her, but there are coyotes further back in the neighborhood, owls, hawks, stray dogs...so many bad things that could happen to a little kitty :-(

Grrrrrrr. So I have some pics but my internet here at work is being a giant dickwad so I'll have to post them later. Fucking figures though, the way today is going >:-(

Edit: ok I've got them:

This was fairly soon after we got her. She was a raggedy looking little thing but she's growing up nicely! The hair on her nose finally grew back so she's all cute again :-)

Bonus! This is her with Maryann, the calico that we adopted the day after we got her. She was soooo sweet we just couldn't leave her behind, lol.

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